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  • 北京蛋黄科技

  • 量子位

  • DataFunTalk

    DataFun专注于数据智能在工业界落地经验分享,发起于2017.12,至今已在全国7个数据智能企业和人才集中的城市举办了近100场线下技术分享和两场千人规模的行业峰会,邀请近400位工业界专家和40位知名学者参与分享,近30000人次从业者参与线下交流。合作企业包含BAT等大厂,以及知名互联网公司和数据智能创业公司。 其运营的公众号DataFunTalk共生产原创文章近300篇,了解往期活动文章,微信搜索DataFunTalk获取
  • 狂人开放麦

  • 奇思妙想研习社

  • 优客工场

    优客工场以构建国际一流的共享办公空间为目标,为创新企业提供全产业链服务,建设基于联合社群的商业社交平台和资源配置平台,致力于为中国创新者赋能。 优客工场 让平行世界的人相互遇见。
  • U8世界创新峰会

    时代的进步离不开创新,创新改变世界。 2021年,来自牛津大学、剑桥大学、哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、加州理工学院、清华大学以及北京大学等世界顶尖8所大学的中国学生一起携手创办了“U8世界创新峰会”。 “U8世界创新峰会“以创新为核心,通过观点的碰撞、对知识边界的探讨,为跨越国界与领域的思想交流提供平台,让我们听见世界,让世界聆听我们。
  • reflects my three decades of experience as a journalist and a wine critic. From tasting notes and videos to blogs and events, this website focuses on the great wines of the world including Italy, Bordeaux, Champagne, Australia, New Zealand, California, Chile, and Argentina. I believe that today’s wine drinker deserves more than just written reviews and criticism. They need to see with their own eyes the place, the people, and the rating process. Truly, there’s so much more to learn about wine than just simple numbers and prose. We taste thousands of wines each year as well. Those on location are generally not blind, but I bring out the paper bags for the larger, more organized ones. I taste young wines for both the pleasure they give as well as their potential to improve with age. I was told early in my career that an outstanding quality wine must improve with age, and I have always believed this since. When rating mature wines, I put more emphasis on their current drinking pleasure. My team of editors follow the same wine reviewing criteria. Finally, I rate using the 100-point scale. I’ve used this point system for close to 25 years, and I still believe it’s the simplest way to rate a wine, with its origins from grade school in the United States. A wine that I rate 90 points or more is outstanding (A). It’s a wine I want to drink a glass of and is an outstanding purchase. If I rate a wine 95 points or more (A+), it is a must buy and a bottle that I want to drink in its entirety! If I rate a wine less than 88 points, it might still be worth buying but proceed with caution. I certainly wouldn’t recommend spending your money on anything rated lower. Wines rated from barrel, or unfinished wines, are rated with two-point ranges such as 90-91 or 92-93.
  • 上海典众文化传播有限公司

    典众公关是以欧洲三⼤公关公司Open2Europe为背景的国际公关公司,如今业务 范围覆盖全球五⼤洲,与来⾃全球不同国家超过300家企业建⽴了⻓期的合作伙 伴关系。⾃从2008年开始与中国企业建⽴合作⾄今,已经与超过150家中国的企 业与组织建⽴了⻓期的合作伙伴关系。服务⾏业涉及医药、美妆、⺟婴、快销、 新能源、财经、⼤健康等多个领域。
  • VinoFreddo
