创业磨坊 (www.startupgrind.com)是一个全球性的旨在教育,激励,和链接企业家们的社区,本机构为谷歌的官方合作伙伴。我们每个月在全世界120个国家600个城市组织活动,采访本地的企业创始人,创新者,教育者及投资人,他们会和本地的创业社区分享他们的个人旅程以及建造伟大公司路上的经验教训。
Slush 是源于芬兰的全球创业社群,一直致力于助力科技创新企业,以帮助下一代改变世界的创始人成长为使命。S创中国来自Slush全球品牌体系,是Slush在中国独家授权合作的科创活动品牌。
共益企业中国倡导团队 (B Corps China Task Force )隶属于乐平基金会,是由南都公益基金会支持,并获得共益实验室(B Lab Global)认可的特别工作组。自2017年成立以来,我们一直在共益路上前行,推动中国本土商业向善运动的发展。
GREAT ART SPACE 宏艺空间致力于发掘和扶持有潜质的艺术家,提供国际艺术交流平台,培养大众的艺术鉴赏能力,让艺术走进我们的生活。
Yoga Sadhana wasco-founded by a Guru and a Shesya in 2014. It is the pioneer and the only Yogastudio in Melaka that is fully equipped with yoga props. At both of our centres,students learn through a carefully graded and systematic programme of asana(posture). Yoga Sadhana gives emphasis on progressive learning. The system of teaching at Yoga Sadhana is methodicaland progressive, emphasising detailed alignment and absolute safety. Practicingyoga in correct alignment has proven remarkable success in the treatment of awide range of medical conditions, ranging from skeleto-muscular through to theemotional.
Use of Yogaprops such as blankets, bolsters, straps, blocks, wall ropes, chairs etc.facilitates learning and helps with adjustment in yoga postures according toindividual needs. Therefore, it helpsyou overcome and prevents many stresses and strains to the body. Mostimportantly it promotes a firm foundation for health and well-being.
Pranayama (breath control) isgradually introduced once students have a firm foundation of yoga practice.Yoga practice both relaxes and energises the body and mind and brings vitality,flexibility, strength, concentration, self-confidence and mental calm. Yoga issuitable for all types of people at all levels of fitness.