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  • LIHOP深圳长和大蕴

    LIH Olivia’s Place provide world class, multidisciplinary pediatric therapy services to children of all abilities and all ages. World class care for all kids is offered through three major service areas: Pediatric Therapy Consulting Services: Occupational, physical, and speech therapies, psychology services, ABA, and learning support. Our multinational staff in provide consulting services in English and Chinese, as well as several other languages. Educational Outreach: Multilingual clinical staff provide classes to the community, teachers, schools, hospitals, clinics, orphanages, universities, and local therapists. Foundation Initiatives: Olivia’s Foundation provides funds to cover the cost of care for families that cannot otherwise afford services. The foundation also works to further our vision of universally available pediatric therapy in China. 深圳长和大蕴儿童健康发展中心(LIH Olivia’sPlace)隶属于深圳长和大蕴儿童门诊部,属长和医疗集团旗下。集团分布在北京、上海、深圳、昆明为儿童和青少年提供一站式、国际化的个性化诊疗服务。门诊部拥有国际化的跨学科团队,包括儿童保健科医师、发育行为儿科医师、物理治疗师、作业治疗师、语言治疗师和临床心理学博士、行为分析师等组成的专家团队。 长和大蕴健康发展教育中心依托强大的医疗资源为学龄段儿童、青少年提供儿童言语,注意力相关的评估和训练,以及膳食指导、行为管理、自理能力、情绪管理能力。更包括亲子或家庭心理咨询和课程等服务。