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  • 未来学堂

    未来学堂定位于“科技创新第一课”,以“思想独立、格物致知”为学术精神,以帮助同学学习应用“新思想、新方法、新科技、新物种”为教学目标,以“理论 + 案例 + 研习”为教学方法。 集结了全球顶级科技区块链、人工智能、物联网、云计算等领域专家学者、实战企业家高管,解读最源头的高科技与区块链技术、商业智慧,用高科技和新技术 + 商业智慧为产业变革、为企业创新、为创新者赋能。 #线上课程系列: 1、区块链创新训练营(直播课,一周) 2、区块链名师直播系列课(半年学习) 3、区块链应用强化必修课(1天直播课) 4、区块链从入门到精通视频课程 #线下课程系列: 1、区块链创新特训营(线下2天1晚) 2、区块链先锋人才成长班(线下3个月) 3、区块链领袖人才班(一年) #线下活动 1、区块链思想晚餐(精英聚会) 2、区块链论坛
  • IOSG Venture

    IOSG Venture is an early-stage fund for decentralized protocols and companies. We’re a community of founders, engineers, and researchers who pool our capital, expertise, and networks together to support the world’s most ambitious teams. IOSG Venture will invest in very-early-stage algorithm-based ventures, covering blockchain, cryptography, Defi, Web 3.0 simulations, etc. In particular, we keep our ears close to the ground and are in touch with top scientific talent even before they start ventures. IOSG Venture is one of Polkadot’s largest investors, NEAR Protocol's China Community Leading Investor and Casperlabs's Asian Strategic and Advisory Investor.
  • 千锋互联
