SheLeads是一个由一群精英女性发起的国际职业女性平台,旨在为职场女性创造一个长期性有价值的社群。SheLeads不仅为女性提供了一个安全且舒适的环境来分享她们职业上的专长以及作为女性所面临的挑战,同时也致力于强调在职业领域上女性的领导力角色,树立女性榜样。SheLeads is an empowering female platform, which is run by women and specially for women. This international network is created to build long-term valuable relationships among professional females at workplace. SheLeads will not only enable women to share their expertise, learn from each other in a safe and comfortable environment where common challenges are shared particularly to females, but also help emphasize the role of female leaders in professional careers.
The Australian Chamber of Commerce (Austcham) is the only officially registered NGO representing Australia-engaged organisations in mainland China.
Austcham's role is to advocate on behalf of its members, advance commercial relationships across mainland China, and provide timely information about the changing business environment.
Austcham partners with Australian, Chinese and global enterprises of all sizes. From startups and SMEs to large multinational corporations.
The Austcham West China branch was founded in 2013 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.
As Australia's peak industry body in China, Austcham actively encourages business cooperation, trade and invesment between Australia and the West China region.
中国澳大利亚商会于1996年在北京成立,我们的首要目标是推进澳大利利亚公司在中国的业务发展。商会的职能是向成员提供咨询、资源、以及 人脉上的支持,帮助澳大利利亚在华企业取得更多的成功。澳大利利亚商会在民政部注册,拥有众多澳大利利亚在华高峰行业会员机构。
澳大利亚智慧能源理事会(Smart Energy Council)成立于1954年,是太阳能、储能及智慧能源行业的非盈利性组织,作为最高行业机构,智慧能源理事会(SEC)致力于为该行业提供清洁、高效、适合所有澳大利亚人的高性价比智慧能源解决方案,推动新能源行业发展,确保为智慧能源产业和澳大利亚社会带来切实的成果。
澳大利亚国际教育与文化交流协会(International Exchange Association for Education and Culture Australia 简称“IEAEC”),总部位于澳大利亚悉尼,附设凯恩斯及中国地区办事处,是由澳大利亚联邦政府正式批准成立的、新南威尔士州教育部、昆士兰教育部、南澳州教育部及北领地教育部授权合作组织。协会宗旨是深化中澳间文化友谊,为中澳机构之间建起友谊与合作桥梁。IEAEC依托澳洲优质的教育资源和先进的教育理念,通过开展澳洲留学,澳洲海外研学旅行,中澳合作办学及澳洲艺术文化交流等项目,致力于推动中国与澳洲的国际教育发展及文化交流。