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  • IOSG Venture

    IOSG Venture is an early-stage fund for decentralized protocols and companies. We’re a community of founders, engineers, and researchers who pool our capital, expertise, and networks together to support the world’s most ambitious teams. IOSG Venture will invest in very-early-stage algorithm-based ventures, covering blockchain, cryptography, Defi, Web 3.0 simulations, etc. In particular, we keep our ears close to the ground and are in touch with top scientific talent even before they start ventures. IOSG Venture is one of Polkadot’s largest investors, NEAR Protocol's China Community Leading Investor and Casperlabs's Asian Strategic and Advisory Investor.
  • 深圳九天同创文化传媒有限公司

    深圳九天同创文化传媒有限公司是国内新锐的品牌营销与活动传播专业解决方案提供商,自成立以来,公司以独特的系统策略、创意体验和专业服务产品来满足客户的需求,致力于帮助更多的品牌企业、行业组织、城市和政府机构提供有竞争力的整合传播方案。 公司现有多个专业团队及多行业战略资源,尤其在城市营销、品牌传播、大型公共关系及事件行销、活动策划执行、全媒体整合传播等方面有丰富的经验。  基于团队成员数十年的营销与推广经验,在这个强调思维的领域,九天同创文化传媒有限公司,以创新性、标准化专业操作推动行业进程、引领行业视野,通过“品牌,分析,定位,策划,设计,媒体推广,资源整合,活动创意”等服务,让我们的理念,为您的产品赋予生命力。