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  • 微软Reactor 上海

    Reactors are developer & startup community hubs. The best in technical events, networking & collaboration can be found here. Join us!
  • 跨境雅舍

  • 湾区青年

    提供创业项目及资金引入,合伙人吸纳;助力职场人 晋升中层及高管......多元化合作
  • 智奥鹏城(深圳)展览有限公司

    智奥鹏城(深圳)展览有限公司是于中法建交55周年之际,法国智奥会展集团和深圳市鹏城展览策划有限公司共同汇聚各自优势资源成立的中外合资企业,具有主办纺织服装和时尚产业展览领先优势,是中国纺织服装产业最专业的展览主办机构。 GL events Pengcheng Exhibitions (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is a Sino-France joint venture created by GL events and Shenzhen Pengcheng Exhibition Planning Co., Ltd. when China and France marked the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. GLPC inherits fruitful resources jointly gathered by these two parties based on their respective advantages, eps. of textiles and exhibitions. It thus is the most professional event organizer focusing on fashion industry in China. 智奥鹏城(深圳)展览有限公司旗下“FASHION SOURCE深圳国际服装供应链博览会”、“深圳原创设计时装周”是中国纺织服装产业最有影响力的品牌展会,每年春秋两季的FS展吸引超过2000家展商,近10万名观众到场,来自纺织服装行业的纱线、面辅料、成衣贴牌(ODM)、原创设计等专业厂商和设计师汇聚于此,“FASHION SOURCE深圳国际服装供应链博览会”已经成为全球纺织服装行业上下游获取订单和引领产业趋势的重要平台。 GLPC’s brand projects, FASHION SOURCE Shenzhen International Exhibition For Clothing Supply Chain (abbr. FS) and Shenzhen Original Design Fashion Week(abbr. ODF), become one of the most influential textile exhibition in China. Two sessions a year, FS attracts more than 2,000 exhibitors and approximately 100,000 visitors from clothing industry, such as enterprises of yarns, apparel fabrics, trims, manufacturing(ODM), original design. As China's top exhibition platform for Chinese and foreign fashion brands to meet suppliers, FS is no doubt an important occasion for global souring, fashion trend sharing and deal closing for fashion industry peers. GL EVENTS智奥会展集团创立于1978年,总部位于法国里昂,是巴黎券交易所的上市企业。智奥会展核心业务由三大板块构成,分别为场馆管理、展会主办、活动与体育赛事运营。通过90多个全球办公室构成的庞大网络,智奥会展每年主办200场展会、管理50个场馆、服务3,700多场活动,是27个会展目的地的城市推广的主力。2018年,智奥会展集团的综合收入超过10亿欧元。 GL events, whose HQ locates in Lyon, was founded in 1978. It is listed on Euronext Paris, Segment B. The core business of GL events covers 3 business segments, i.e. VENUES (venue management), EXHIBITIONS (exhibition organising) and LIVE (consulting, design and services for events). Through its wide global network made up of more than 90 offices, every year, with organizing 200 exhibitions, managing 50 venues and staging 3,700 events, GL events is a critical force for city promotion of 27 MICE destinations. GL events reported consolidated annual revenue of €1.041 billion for 2018, which ranked a leading position in the industry. 深圳市鹏城展览策划有限公司年创立于2002年,专注服务服装供应链20年,是“FASHION SOURCE深圳国际服装供应链博览会”和“深圳原创设计时装周”品牌创立机构。通过近二十年的运营,凝聚了纺织服装产业数万家参展商和数十万家的专业买家资源,扎根服务纺织服装产业。 Founded in 2002, Shenzhen Pengcheng Exhibition Planning Co., Ltd devoted itself to building a trade and exchange platform for the whole fashion industrial chain throughout the past two decades. As the founder of FS and ODF, Pengcheng Exhibitions, focusing on fashion industry, integrates massive related resources and holds a pool of tens of thousands suppliers and buyers.
  • 西柚户外网

    活动咨询微信号:cutrip 电话咨询:13660177119
  • 深圳亿丰电商学院

    亿丰电商学院(成立于2016年,定位亚马逊运营实操中高阶课程,课程内容为亚马逊运营实操干货,线上线下实时授课,更有录制课程方便学习。在业内一直保持优质口碑,长期定期专题课公开课与广大卖家朋友齐分享。亚马逊SPN机构,是业界公认含金量最高的培训学院,目前开设有亿丰深圳、亿丰泉州、重庆孵化中心等。 讲师团队全部为亚马逊大卖家创始人,多位讲师为211高校等多所高校的客座教授。
  • 无界数字产业园

    深圳市知行博远网络科技有限公司是一家从事产业园智慧招商,一站式企业服务,灵活用工服务的科技公司。 公司以“政府引导,企业运营,数字管理,产业集群”为理念,通过互联网技术链接产业发展要素,让政企银校各类资源跨地域合作,建设地方特色虚拟产业集群。 公司在提供政企云端服务的基础上,为企业打造一个政策申请、信息交流、资源对接、融资融智的产业无界互联平台,为中小企业发展赋能。 公司旗下包含无界数字产业园、鸿观数字产业园、康佳孵化器、无界灵工平台。
  • 深圳远道知识产权有限公司

  • 鸿鹄精英俱乐部

    职场精英俱乐部! 人才投资与孵化机构! 汇聚了55个行业的精英,抱团成长。
  • 深圳新泉信息科技有限公司
