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  • 极视角科技股份有限公司

    极视角科技 EXTREME VISION 开创了AI视觉算法商城,是专业的人工智能计算机视觉算法提供商。目前商城已上架 1500 余种算法,覆盖 100 多个行业领域的应用场景,汇聚超过 400,000 海内外视觉算法开发者,并已成功服务过 3000 多家政企与科研院所。
  • 剑桥中国学生学者联谊会

    剑桥中国学生学者联谊会(以下简称剑桥学联)是非盈利,非政治性的社团。剑桥学联旨在服务剑桥地区的学生学者的学习生活,促进会员间的信息交流和职业导向。此外,剑桥学联还致力于促进中国学生学者与外国同学的文化交流,为大家提供展示才华的平台。 剑桥学联会定期举办各种讲座,论坛等学术研讨,同时也会组织旅游,聚会等娱乐文体活动。其中包括很多品牌活动,如剑桥地区华人春节晚会,中国文化节和剑桥名家讲坛等。 Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Cambridge (CSSA-CAM) is a non-profit and non-political society. The main mission of the Society is to serve the needs of the Chinese students and scholars in Cambridge, and provide opportunities and benefits for them by facilitating the exchange of information between China and the students studying in Cambridge, and by encouraging cultural exchange between Chinese students and other international students. To achieve our mission, CSSA‐CAM regularly organises social activities, such as trips and parties, conducts seminars and symposiums on a variety of topics, including academic exchange and career development, and promotes Chinese culture with various arts, music, and sports groups. Besides these activities, we also organize several large‐scale events, including our annual Chinese New Year Gala, Chinese Culture Festival, and Cambridge Celebrity Forum.
  • Ms.Techie

    MsT , Ms.Techie,女性创新联盟,是由中国知名互联网、新媒体企业员工联合发起的全球项目,是面向对开源技术、科技创新感兴趣的女性而存在的公益性女性开发者社区。