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  • 广东英国商会 The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong

    The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) is an independent international organisation in China, helping members with business development. BritCham has offices in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the PRD. BritCham organises many business events from training, seminars and workshops to networking and business referrals events. Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential chambers in the PRD.
  • 方站

    Cube Station并非严格意义上办公室,因为你不仅可以在那里办公、开会,还能开讲座、办展览、喝咖啡、读杂志、开沙龙、洽谈、社交等。 通过精心设计将空间复合利用,会议室也可以作为休闲娱乐用的电影室或健身房,展览厅摇身一变可作为艺术画廊或沙龙场所,吧台不仅是茶歇间,更是休憩、洽谈、社交场所…… 在这里,设计师交流碰撞,迸发思想的火花;个体之间相互连接,建立起多维度的圈层;它更面向社会开放,与社会共享设计价值。 正如立方设计合伙人邱慧康在演讲中表示的,这是“设计师的朋友圈”,一个既开放又集群的圈层,以物理空间之名所营造的精神家园。