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  • 深圳市美智行咨询顾问有限公司

    Beauty Bank Center(简称:BBC)是一个基于美国第一领导大师John C. Maxwell(约翰·麦克斯威尔)的生命管理课程体系,帮助女性提升软实力、赋能商业创造力的增值平台。 BBC平台集结国际各界资深导师、行业精英,通过课程中心、海外游学、大师密训、IP培育、私董会、产业孵化等板块,让女性在高强竞争环境下拥有“软实力、硬势能”。BBC旨在深塑从个人、企业到社会的幸福生态圈。 Beauty Bank Center (BBC) is a value-added platform based on the life management curriculum of John C. Maxwell, the number one leadership speaker, to help women improve their soft power and empower their business. The BBC platform brings together senior instructors and industry elites from all over the world. Through the training center, overseas study tours, master intensive training, IP cultivation, private board of directors, and industry incubation, women can be trained to have both the “flexible and rigid power” necessary in today's high-paced competition environment. BBC aims to shape the happiness in individual's, as well as businesses' internal ecosystem.