Global Friendship (GF) is one of the largest foreign communities in southern China, with over 20,000 followers across our social media platforms. GF truly is a global network (based in China). Locals and expatriate members recognize GF as an integral part of their community, for the support provided in either personal or business development.
法语联盟(Alliance Française)131年前诞生于巴黎,其宗旨是推广法语和法语区文化。法语联盟提供高质量的法语培训和语言服务,同时定期举办面向公众且基本免费的文化活动,内容包括电影、小型演唱会、展览、舞蹈表演、戏剧、见面会、讨论会、现代音乐会、各类比赛、工作坊等。
Hello部落,帮你脱单的公众号:免费征友丨单身活动丨单身群… 互联网、金融、通信、学校医院等企事业单位的优秀单身男女都在关注,说不定你的Ta就在其中~