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  • 高知圈

    优质单身聚集地,高知圈是高知单身交友活动平台,成员均接受过高等教育,在这里可以遇见未来的TA,也可以认识很多真诚靠谱的小伙伴。 高知圈会定期在广州,长沙,深圳等地组织线下联谊活动,并推送优质单身嘉宾信息,欢迎你的加入哦~
  • SheLeads

    SheLeads是一个由一群精英女性发起的国际职业女性平台,旨在为职场女性创造一个长期性有价值的社群。SheLeads不仅为女性提供了一个安全且舒适的环境来分享她们职业上的专长以及作为女性所面临的挑战,同时也致力于强调在职业领域上女性的领导力角色,树立女性榜样。SheLeads is an empowering female platform, which is run by women and specially for women. This international network is created to build long-term valuable relationships among professional females at workplace. SheLeads will not only enable women to share their expertise, learn from each other in a safe and comfortable environment where common challenges are shared particularly to females, but also help emphasize the role of female leaders in professional careers.