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  • 亿融创服

    亿融创服(创业服务平台——通过整合创业企业、服务机构、政府、园区的资源, 搭建一个为企业提供所需的法律、投融资、财务会计、企业管理、上市咨询、创业辅导、人才招聘、孵化场所等一站式的创业服务平台,助力企业创业成功。
  • 中科硅谷孵化器

  • 颉墨(北京)科技有限公司

    芥末堆是一家专注于行业交流的多边服务平台, 创办于2014年。我们观察教育、农业和银发经济产业链上下游的动态发展,发现行业内具备创新与机遇的公司与产品,理解并传递政府政策及市场变化,及时、高质地为业内各方提供深度价值信息,为中国教育、农业和银发行业的企业管理者提供决策参考。
  • 大中华区艾菲奖 Effie GC

    艾菲奖是致力于表彰以各种形式助力品牌成功,达成实效的营销传播案例的国际营销奖项。时至2019年,已在全球范围(47个国家和6个地区)表彰实效营销成就。 大中华区艾菲奖在2019年由全球艾菲直接运营,表彰大中华地区最具实效营销传播作品。正如大中华区艾菲奖董事总经理、全球艾菲高级副总裁徐浩宇先生所言:“大中华区艾菲奖是艾菲走向下一个50年最为重要的市场”。在继续秉承‘支持拥护实效营销实践者并提升实效营销实践’理念的同时,加强大中华区与北美以及全球合作伙伴的交流,为营销行业提供教育、学术、文化等多元支持,为中国品牌走向世界作出贡献。
  • 西安交响乐团

  • 新餐饮洞察

  • Sanofi Innovation Hub

    The Sanofi Innovation Hub aims to be a digital enabler that promotes Open Innovation between leading technology companies and Sanofi China.
  • BATURU文化节

    BATURU 国际文化节,前身为中国国际女性影展 (China Women's Film Festival), 曾获奥地利外交部跨文化成就奖 (Intercultural Achievement Award)。自2019年起,中国国际女性影展正式在香港注册,并落地香港中环英皇影院举办,而北京部分则扩展为包含电影、漫画、广告创意在内的国际女性文化节。文化节的目标为:通过国际文化交流,促进女性创作,传播女性文化,塑造新世代女性精神。BATURU一词为芳映于2018年发起的超级女英雄国际共创活动的名字,共创活动邀请国际著名女性(电影人、政治家、媒体人等)、国际著名漫画家和青年漫画家共同创作一个全女英雄的漫画世界。
  • reflects my three decades of experience as a journalist and a wine critic. From tasting notes and videos to blogs and events, this website focuses on the great wines of the world including Italy, Bordeaux, Champagne, Australia, New Zealand, California, Chile, and Argentina. I believe that today’s wine drinker deserves more than just written reviews and criticism. They need to see with their own eyes the place, the people, and the rating process. Truly, there’s so much more to learn about wine than just simple numbers and prose. We taste thousands of wines each year as well. Those on location are generally not blind, but I bring out the paper bags for the larger, more organized ones. I taste young wines for both the pleasure they give as well as their potential to improve with age. I was told early in my career that an outstanding quality wine must improve with age, and I have always believed this since. When rating mature wines, I put more emphasis on their current drinking pleasure. My team of editors follow the same wine reviewing criteria. Finally, I rate using the 100-point scale. I’ve used this point system for close to 25 years, and I still believe it’s the simplest way to rate a wine, with its origins from grade school in the United States. A wine that I rate 90 points or more is outstanding (A). It’s a wine I want to drink a glass of and is an outstanding purchase. If I rate a wine 95 points or more (A+), it is a must buy and a bottle that I want to drink in its entirety! If I rate a wine less than 88 points, it might still be worth buying but proceed with caution. I certainly wouldn’t recommend spending your money on anything rated lower. Wines rated from barrel, or unfinished wines, are rated with two-point ranges such as 90-91 or 92-93.
  • 叽里呱啦.
