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  • 广东英国商会 The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong

    The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) is an independent international organisation in China, helping members with business development. BritCham has offices in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the PRD. BritCham organises many business events from training, seminars and workshops to networking and business referrals events. Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential chambers in the PRD.
  • Urbanites环球村俱乐部

    Urbanites 是聚焦中国、外国、多元文化背景家庭,为家庭提供交流、研学、互动式的平台。 “Urbanite” 将打造沉浸式的英文交流环境,通过文化体验活动、讲座和互动交流等形式,让参与的家庭成员在轻松愉悦的氛围中使用英文沟通,营造一个全英文交流语境,激发孩子对英文使用和学习的兴趣。通过参与实际场景中的英文交流,成员将更自信地运用英语进行日常交流,甚至应用于工作、商务社交的场合。 “Urbanite”将开放更多职业体验活动,将成员引入医院、新闻编辑室、法庭等具体的职业场景中,学习并应用相关的专业术语,提升他们在特定领域的专业语言能力。“Urbanite”也会为有需求的家庭开放“商务场景”体验,通过实际场景,学员将学到国际商务社交礼仪,培养他们在商务社交中的自信和得体行为。