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  • 三伙伴社交活动-结交终身成长的小伙伴

  • 互助网周末活动

  • 瑞谷科创

  • 拎包客青年创业社区

    拎包客是由浙大和阿里系的创业团队于2014年底创办,核心理念是以公寓为载体,以社群运营为核心,为创业者和青年人才提供全新的社区文化和社区活动,并整合各种社会优质资源为他们提供深度服务。公司的愿景是打造“美好生活方式”的运营商。 目前拎包客在杭州落地和运营的有五家社区,分别位于未来科技城、滨江区
  • W.AWARDS金网奖

    关于领航秀 商业计划领航秀是由W.AWARDS金网奖主办的科技、营销界“秀场”盛会,聚焦营销+、互联网、数字商业领域,邀请行业知名专家学者、头部互联网平台、营销机构、新锐品牌主来分享商业计划与产品、策略,已成为营销、互联网、数字商业领域窥见未来的一个窗口。
  • 约杯咖啡

    约杯咖啡,致力于打造高效、便捷、真实的婚恋交友平台,提高交友效率,帮助单身男女快速找到心仪的另一半。 合作热线:13355784163 官方微信:yuebeikafei
  • 脱单自救联盟

  • reflects my three decades of experience as a journalist and a wine critic. From tasting notes and videos to blogs and events, this website focuses on the great wines of the world including Italy, Bordeaux, Champagne, Australia, New Zealand, California, Chile, and Argentina. I believe that today’s wine drinker deserves more than just written reviews and criticism. They need to see with their own eyes the place, the people, and the rating process. Truly, there’s so much more to learn about wine than just simple numbers and prose. We taste thousands of wines each year as well. Those on location are generally not blind, but I bring out the paper bags for the larger, more organized ones. I taste young wines for both the pleasure they give as well as their potential to improve with age. I was told early in my career that an outstanding quality wine must improve with age, and I have always believed this since. When rating mature wines, I put more emphasis on their current drinking pleasure. My team of editors follow the same wine reviewing criteria. Finally, I rate using the 100-point scale. I’ve used this point system for close to 25 years, and I still believe it’s the simplest way to rate a wine, with its origins from grade school in the United States. A wine that I rate 90 points or more is outstanding (A). It’s a wine I want to drink a glass of and is an outstanding purchase. If I rate a wine 95 points or more (A+), it is a must buy and a bottle that I want to drink in its entirety! If I rate a wine less than 88 points, it might still be worth buying but proceed with caution. I certainly wouldn’t recommend spending your money on anything rated lower. Wines rated from barrel, or unfinished wines, are rated with two-point ranges such as 90-91 or 92-93.
  • 新农堂

  • 北京尚德机构

    尚德三境书画院,以“3+3”教学体系为基础,致力于传承正统国画技法,教师均来自知名美术院校,具有丰富的教学经验,潜心研究更适合广大国画爱好者的有针对性教学方法,借助在线教育模式,为更多学员提供学习机会。 足不出户,把名师请回家,独特的“3+3”教学法,不仅可以帮助学员扎实功底,运用灵活所学知识,,同时可以摆脱绘画时对老师的依赖,达到所视皆可入画的水平。通过线上教学,让传统国画以更为崭新的面貌呈现在新时代当中。