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  • Global Friendship

    Global Friendship (GF) is one of the largest foreign communities in southern China, with over 20,000 followers across our social media platforms. GF truly is a global network (based in China). Locals and expatriate members recognize GF as an integral part of their community, for the support provided in either personal or business development.
  • 两只企鹅

    我们是单身青年下班后的社交&婚恋平台,前身是皓阳汇资源整合平台,平台2014年创立于广州,经营8年零投诉。 你可以来这里交朋友,丰富下班后的生活,拓展交际圈,实现个人成长,现平台汇集了超百个行业的优质青年;你也可以在这里解决人生大事,实现从单身到撒狗粮的蜕变,找到你的另一半,过上自己想要的生活。 我们注重线下活动,室内活动我们有不同行业主题聊天、快乐桌游(狼人杀/剧本杀/角色扮演)、塔罗占卜、咖啡体验、美甲美睫和大咖沙龙分享等;户外活动我们有球类运动、爬山徒步、探店打卡拍照、外出旅游等。