Parking China 中国(上海)国际智慧停车展览会
上海国际智能家居展览会 – Shanghai Smart Home Technology (SSHT) - 由广州光亚法兰克福展览有限公司、上海红杉会展服务有限公司、中国国际贸易促进委员会上海浦东分会,以及中国智能家居产业联盟(CSHIA)携手举办, 展会与上海国际智能建筑展览会 (Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology (SIBT))同期于2018年9月3至5日在上海新国际博览中心举办。两展云集250家参展商,展览面积达23,000平方米,将迎来超过28,000名观众。
2018年9月3-5日 新国际博览中心
Popcorn Club是一家成立于上海的English Social Club,我们希望大家可以通过参与感兴趣的主题Club,遇见新的朋友、提升英语会话能力、收获更多与中外好友交谈的话题、了解更多好玩有趣的电影、音乐、文化等内容。
我们的每一场Club都至少有一位Native Speaker,来主持并引导每场Club的内容和节奏。每周都会有不同主题的3-4场Club,可供选择。
We’re a digital product consultancy.
We create, build and scale digital products and provide a range of related services including data science, DevOps, design and strategy
上海企盈信息技术有限公司是上市公司金财互联(002530) 的 子公司,现拥有超过500名员工,正在服务的企业客户超过30000家,是上海市经信委认证的上海市市级中小企业服务机构。
Studio Gallery operates two independent entity spaces in Shanghai. Its gallery space focuses on presenting topical exhibition programs, keeps supporting and sponsoring various non-profit critical art projects initiated by its project space. The most important of which is the artist residency project.
The studio gallery takes the artists’ actual work experience and real thoughts as its core value, supports the artist residence projects and topical exhibition programs. Through the reflection on the unbalanced environment of contemporary politics, economy and culture in the context of globalization, studio gallery is committed to building a platform for artists to express their actual working conditions and real thoughts. By mean of long-term exchanges and dialogue with international artists and curators, studio gallery continues to initiate various topical exhibitions, research-based educational programs and publications.
上海灏象文化传播有限公司2014年创立于上海,旗下杜若云章艺术空间坐落于“穿行老洋房,睡闻梧桐香”的历史建筑区。通过与纽约老牌画廊沃尔特·维克瑟 (Walter Wickiser Gallery, since 1992) 的联袂合作,秉承着艺术就是生活的理念,我们致力于打造一个国际交流平台,提供专业的艺术合作咨询与策划。
“Strolling among the old villas and resting in the scent of plane trees”. Je Fine Art Space is located in the French Concession right in the heart of Shanghai. As part of Shanghai haoxiang culture communication Co. Ltd. Je Fine Art Space opened in 2014 in cooperation with the Walter Wickiser Gallery (NY, since 1992). Embracing the belief that “life is art”, we devote ourselves to establishing a platform for cross-cultural discourse and providing professional art advice and plans.