创业邦是领先的国际创新生态服务平台,为高成长企业、金融机构、产业园区、 地方政府提供全方位的媒体资讯、数字会展、数据研究、创新咨询、教育培训、 资本对接等服务。
公司及旗下基金获得IDG资本、DCM、红杉中国、北极光创投、顺为资本、腾讯 投资、盛景投资、宜信、GGV等10余家世界顶级投资机构支持,并形成长期紧 密的战略合作关系。
Slush 是源于芬兰的全球创业社群,一直致力于助力科技创新企业,以帮助下一代改变世界的创始人成长为使命。S创中国来自Slush全球品牌体系,是Slush在中国独家授权合作的科创活动品牌。
Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide.
Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。
At Bumble Bee, we are passionate about creating events that exceed our client’s expectations.
Our motto - becoming strong connection point between your present and future, because in Bumble Bee we do have strong believe that attending our events, and making new connections worth thousand roses. As a premier event planning company, we have years of experience designing, planning, and executing events of all types and sizes. With our focus on innovation, sustainability, and social impact, Bumble