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  • SIDF上海国际设计节

    上海静安国际设计节2019年创办于中国上海,主会场位于静安800秀,为一个年度性、非营利性文创品牌节事活动。活动以全球视野聚焦文创领军企业,融合“文创设计、生活美学、数字艺术”为三大核心,为文创行业成果展现及文创人才共生共创提供国际化交流平台。 上海静安国际设计节包含“国际顶尖大师对话、青年设计师成果展现、文创品牌发布、文创企业Openday”四大板块,旨在聚焦全球原创艺术设计,建立文创产业全领域发展模式,凝聚“中国顶流原创力”,着力打造具有鲜明标识的城市软实力特质,塑造具备时尚之都、设计之都神韵魅力的创意城市新名片。

    工作室画廊于上海运营着两个独立的实体空间。其画廊空间专注于呈现话题性的展览项目,同时支持并赞助其项目空间发起的各类学术性非盈利艺术项目,其中最主要的是艺术家驻留项目。 工作室画廊以艺术家真实的工作经历和思考为核心价值,支持青年艺术家驻地项目以及举办具有话题性的展览项目。通过对全球化背景下当代政治经济文化失衡环境的反思,画廊致力于为艺术家搭建一个表达真实工作状态和思考的发声平台。并通过国际艺术家和策展人的互动及交流,持续发起各类话题性的展览项目、研究和教育项目以及文字出版物。 Studio Gallery operates two independent entity spaces in Shanghai. Its gallery space focuses on presenting topical exhibition programs, keeps supporting and sponsoring various non-profit critical art projects initiated by its project space. The most important of which is the artist residency project. The studio gallery takes the artists’ actual work experience and real thoughts as its core value, supports the artist residence projects and topical exhibition programs. Through the reflection on the unbalanced environment of contemporary politics, economy and culture in the context of globalization, studio gallery is committed to building a platform for artists to express their actual working conditions and real thoughts. By mean of long-term exchanges and dialogue with international artists and curators, studio gallery continues to initiate various topical exhibitions, research-based educational programs and publications.