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  • 创业沙拉 Startup Salad

    创业沙拉(Startup Salad)是一个全球创新创业者社区,活跃在世界各地创业社区的,有想法、有热情,愿意分享的年轻人,在当地发起和组织52小时创业沙拉活动,活动过程包含提出新鲜创意|组队|执行|路演等步骤,现已在全球63个城市展开,诞生过估值上亿的项目,更帮助和连接了上万名创业者。
  • Startup Grind 北京

    Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide. Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。
  • Startup Weekend创业周末广州

    Startup Weekend“创业周末”(以下简称“SW”)旨在全世界范围内通过活动举行来教育帮助创业者,支持社区建设,以及培养未来领袖。其任务和职责在于向创业者们传递世界最先进的关于创业的经验教育。其宗旨和目前已在世界范围内广泛存在的创业实验室相一致,实现创业“0”到“1”的突破。
  • 未来大学-十倍股研究中心

    有趣、极致、本分 未来大学Future University 意从清·梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》—— “中国为未来之国”。未来大学是一所致力于培养具有创新精神的未来投资银行家的创新型大学,由多家专业投资机构与创新CEO发起于2008年,以“预测未来不如创造未来”(To predict the future, Invent it !)为愿景,以“极致,本分,有趣”为校训,每年开设:“未来视野投资课”一起身体力行,探索世界本质,创造未来。 选用全球优质大学最经典教课书,与世界级大师为伍,用原点理论大师著作探索资本权力的终极目标,聚焦全球前沿案例研究,洞察全球商业进化内在涌动,掌握世界长久不变的“商业权力”跨越时代精神,用跨学科思维复合思维,打破思维定式与天花板。未来大学学习服务,线上内容更新+线下社群活动,一次入学,一生探索。
  • 云企之家

  • Startup Grind创业磨坊广州

    Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 400,000 founders in over 200 cities.
  • Startup Grind天津

    Startup Grind is the world's largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. We bring like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, teach, help, build, and belong. We do this daily through our local events, flagship conferences, startup program, partnerships, and online media + content - collectively reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide.  Startup Grind Tianjin is dedicated connecting players in the Tianjin startup Ecosystem to inspire innovation, and growth. The city is strategically located near Beijing, a port city, and plays a very strategic role in the industrialization of China. Our events are designed to create a safe environment for sharing, making friends, and growing. 
  • Nordic-China Startup Forum

    Nordic-China Startup Forum is a non-profit community-run organization, led by Nordic-Chinese entrepreneurs and students. We arrange startup and innovation events in China and the five Nordic countries together with businesses communities and government agencies in the two regions, while breaking the barriers between the Nordic-Chinese Startup and Innovation Communities. Currently we have 10 groups in 10 cities with over 100 group members & advisors powering Nordic-Chinese Venture & Innovation. Our mission is to Inspire, Connect and Empower Nordic and Chinese entrepreneurs and partnership.