Slush 是源于芬兰的全球创业社群,一直致力于助力科技创新企业,以帮助下一代改变世界的创始人成长为使命。S创中国来自Slush全球品牌体系,是Slush在中国独家授权合作的科创活动品牌。
Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide.
Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。
TMP 职场圈是一个帮助科技与营销行业职场人士学习与社交的专业平台。
Tech & Marketing Professional (TMP) is a platform for people from Technology and Marketing to learn and connect, we host networking events, mixers, and seminars in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen currently.