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  • Creative Shelter

    Creative Shelter是一个坐落于上海的正念艺术空间。 这里每天有瑜伽,冥想,疗愈课程, 每周有艺术、手工艺人工坊和生活方式的活动 每个月有一位不同的艺术家展览 每一个月,Creative Shelter都会因为不同艺术家的作品而呈现出完全不同的空间美感 每一位瑜伽练习者都可以随着每月不同的艺术作品的变化而与之同频共振。 艺术+正念,正是Creative Shelter想要给这座忙碌的城市里的个体带来的一个大隐隐于市的灵魂栖息地 Creative Shelter is a place where art mingles with mindfulness. We offer a variety of mindfulness classes everyday, which includes yoga, meditation, singing bowl therapy, intuitive body work, etc. We host lifestyle and artisan workshops weekly. We also have an artist residency program which gives emerging artist a place to showcase their work monthly. We believe that art and mindfulness is the key to the awakening and peaceful state of mind in such a busy city.