China-Swiss Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium
时间:14:00 – 17:45
Date: Friday, 25th-October, 2019
Time: 14:00 – 17:45
Venue: International Conference Centre, 3/F, CEC i-Valley
Address: CEC Difu Building, 111, Zhenhua Road, Huaqiangbei, Futian, Shenzhen
Dress Code: Business Casual
RSVP: Please RSVP before 21st October, 2019
主办方: 瑞士贸易与投资处、中电智谷
协办方: 深圳市人工智能行业协会 、深圳市投资商会
承办方: 香港创意服务
Organisers : Swiss Business Hub China, in collaboration with CEC i-Valley
Supporting Organisation: Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence Industry Association (SAIIA), Shenzhen Chamber of Investment (SZCI), Shenzhen Electronic Chamber of Commerce(SECC) ,Shenzhen Engineer Association (SZEA)
Knowledge Partners: PwC
Acting Partner: Hong Kong Innovation Services
在中国, 根据《2019人工智能产业白皮书》,截至2019年6月,深圳人工智能(AI)企业总量为636家,居全国第二,近70%的企业集中在应用层领域,包括消费终端、智能家居、智慧医疗、自动驾驶、AR/VR等;关于机器人企业,去年在深圳注册的数目大增至649家,工业产值增加13.81%,1178亿元人民币。
瑞士是全球领先的人工智能枢纽,同时是众多国际知名的人工智能领域大学及研究机构的所在地,包括苏黎世联邦理工学院、洛桑联邦理工学院、圣加仑大学以及在卢加诺的IDSIA等。 瑞士的人工智能前沿技术已经成功吸引了谷歌、IBM和微软等国际巨头在此进行研究。瑞士同时拥有全球数量最多的人工智能专利,进驻企业可以得到有效的技术转让、可持续的软件系统以及各州政府和中央政府的商业化支持。
Background of the Symposium
Following the fruitful bilateral relations between Switzerland and China in the field of innovation, this symposium aims to bridge
entrepreneurs, industry specialists and official representatives together, so as to carve out a collaborative platform for both
countries, in the AI industry.
In China, according to the "2019 Artificial Intelligence Industry White Paper", the total number of AI enterprises in Shenzhen came in at 636, ranking No.2 in China, while nearly 70% of these enterprises are concentrated on the application of AR/VR technologies. Robotics enterprises
registered in Shenzhen last year jumped 55% to 649, while their output rose 13.81% to RMB117.8 billion.
Switzerland is a world-leading hub for Artificial Intelligence as well as home to world-renowned universities and research
institutes in the area of AI, including ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne, the University of St. Gallen, and the IDSIA in Lugano. This proximity to cutting-edge research is one important reason why renowned tech giants such as Google, IBM or Microsoft run their AI research from here. The country also boasts the highest number of AI patents worldwide. Companies based here benefit significantly
from efficient technology transfer, sustainable software systems and unbureaucratic support from cantons and the government.
The Swiss Business Hub China cordially invite you to the “China-Swiss Artificial Intelligence (AI) Symposium” in Shenzhen
on 25th-October, 2019.
14.00 – 14.30 签到、交流
14.30 – 14.35 深圳市政府领导致欢迎辞
14.35 – 14.40 中电信息或中电智谷领导致欢迎辞
14.40 – 14.45 瑞士驻广州总领事致欢迎辞
14.45 – 15.00 深圳市人工智能行业协会介绍深圳人工智能情况
15.00 – 15.10 中电智谷宣布组建中电智谷人工智能中心(瑞士)
15.10 – 15.20 瑞士贸易与投资处(SBH)介绍对瑞投资概况
15.20 – 16.00 瑞士大区代表介绍各区投资热点以及人工智能的产业优势(大苏黎世区、日内瓦伯尔尼大区、琉森州、巴塞尔大区)
16.00– 16.30 茶歇
16.30 – 17.00 瑞士各大区的人工智能技术及行业优势 (商会/行业代表及瑞士大区代表)
17.00 – 17.30 投资瑞士秘藉 (中电智谷、普华永道、毕马威、SBH代表)
17.30 – 17.40 总结及致谢辞,邀请与会者参与高交会中瑞项目对接会 (深圳市投资商会)
17.45 – 19.30 商务晚餐及交流 (只限受邀嘉宾)
14.00 – 14.30 Registration & Networking
Session 1 Welcome Remarks
14.30 – 14.35 Welcome speech by government official from Shenzhen
14.35 – 14.40 Welcome speech by official of Shenzhen District
14.40 – 14.45 Remark by Consul General of the Consulate General of Switzerland
Session 2 Keynote & Pitch
14.45 – 15.00 Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence Industry Association (SAIIA) to provide the industry updates
15.00 – 15.10 CEC i-Valley to announce the news of establishing an AI Hub in Switzerland
15.10 – 15.20 SBH Introduction + Investment Environment Pitch by SBH China
15.20 – 16.00 Canton Pitch
16.00 – 16.30 Tea break
Session 3 Panel Discussion
16.30 – 17.00 Panel discussion on AI industry strength in different regions of Switzerland (by representatives of associations and
industries, and Canton representatives)
17.00 – 17.30 Panel discussion on “Dos & Don’ts” for investing in Switzerland (by CEC i-Valley, PWC, KPMG,SBH)
17.30 – 17.40 Closing Remarks by Shenzhen Chamber of Investment (SZCI) and the invitation to China High Tech Fair
17.45 – 19.30 Networking Dinner (by invitation only)
瑞士贸易与投资处(Swiss Business Hub,简称SBH) 是瑞士官方国际贸易和投资促进机构- 瑞士贸易与投资署(Switzerland Global Enterprise, 简称S-GE)在中国的代表机构。
瑞士贸易与投资署(Switzerland Global Enterprise, 简称S-GE)受瑞士联邦(瑞士经济总局,简称SECO)和瑞士各州的委托,帮助客户拓展国际全球化业务,促进瑞士出口和在瑞士的投资,加强瑞士作为经济中心的全球地位。
深圳市电子商会在2003年01月正式注册成立,是由深圳市从事电子产品生产、经营、科研、 教学、服务的企业单位及团体自愿组成,非营利性的具有社团法人资格的5A级社会组织。现有注册会员1600余家,会员企业涉及自动化设备、人工智能、电子零件、汽车电子、机器人、数码、家电、软件开发等产品的制造,以及元器件分销、互联网、电子市场、创新研发中心、检测认证等全产业链领域。
About the Organisers
Swiss Business Hub China (SBH China) is the Swiss Federal Investment and Trade Agency and a representative office of Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE), with the mission to help Swiss and Chinese clients to unlock new business and investment potential and to strengthen bilateral trade. Swiss Business Hub China supports Swiss companies in expanding their activities in China and Chinese companies in identifying greenfield investment and trade opportunities in Switzerland.
CEC i-Valley is the demonstration area of international intelligent hardware innovation and entrepreneurship created by CEC (China Electronics Corporation) in Huaqiangbei, Shenzhen. It is based on the current emerging technology industry with the extension to the application of intelligent hardware, intelligent industry and intelligent innovation. CEC i-Valley is planning to have an AI hub in Switzerland to connect and to invest on the artificial intelligence technology in Switzerland. It also has an angel fund for the intelligent manufacturing, wearable devices, smart home, robots, smart mobile terminals, and semi-conductors, etc.
Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence Industry Association (SAIIA) is registered in Shenzhen as non-profit industry organization. The Association is covering basic technology and industry applications and various areas of development of artificial intelligence. With the support from Shenzhen government, SAIIA was found at the end of 2016 with the founding members: Baidu (Shenzhen) and ZTE Co., Ltd. At present, the members including ZTE Co., Ltd., Baidu (Shenzhen), iFlyTek, Deepglint, AISpeech, SenseTime, TupuTech, Ping An Technology (Shenzhen) and other 100+ outstanding artificial intelligence enterprises from the nation, while more than 70 of them are from Shenzhen.
Shenzhen Chamber of Investment (SZCI) is the Shenzhen "5A-level" association. Founded in April 2005, SZCI is working on investment promotion, investment and financing promotion, mainly serving capital-intensive, technology-intensive enterprises, with 1200+ members of high-tech, financial investment and strategic emerging industries. The total assets of members exceeded 600 billion yuan and investment capacity of more than trillion yuan. SZCI is also the consultant of investment for the debt financing,
equity financing and other aspects. The Association had served around 200 SMEs to gain more than RMB 200 million financial support.
Shenzhen Electronic Chamber of Commerce(SECC) was officially incorporated in January 2003, is voluntarily formed by the entities of electronic products production, management, scientific research, teaching and services. It is non-profitable and 5A-level social organizations. Existing registered members more than 1600, involved in automation equipment, artificial intelligence, electronic parts, automotive electronics, robotics, digital, home appliances, software development and other products manufacturing, as well as component distribution, internet, electronic markets, innovation research and development centers, testing and certification and other industry chain areas.
Shenzhen Engineer Association (SZEA) was incorporated in March 2010, was jointly launched by more than 30 academic associations from different engineering sectors and hundreds of elite engineering experts. It is a cross-industry and interdisciplinary social group. The purpose of the Association is international cooperation, international exchange, technology transfer and international recognition of engineers. Since its inception, the Association granted the strong support from various government related entities e.g. Shenzhen Association for Science and Technology. At present, there are more than 200 entities members and more than 10,000 individual members and most of them are from the science and technology areas.