Source of Power: Unlock the Force of Women Leadership
On the occasion of International Women's Day , let us focus on the radiance of female leadership, unleash the power of women, and lead the way to the future.
Women often underestimate their potential to become successful leaders, yet their leadership potential and abilities are undeniable. Will the unleashing of women's leadership potential become a long-term trend? In this economically uncertain environment, what advantages and disadvantages do female leaders have compared to their male counterparts? What unique charms do active female entrepreneurs possess to "win over the crowd"
王芳,现工作于上海社会科学院社会学研究所。华东师范大学领导教育学博士,副研究员。中国家庭教育学会理事,专家指导委员会委员。上海领导科学学会会员。研究领域包括领导力发展,家庭教育、青少年发展等。 在《学术月刊》、《教育发展研究》等核心期刊发表多篇学术论文。出版专著《领导力的早期发展—始于儿童的领导力培养》;《自然长成》等。主持上海市哲学社会科学课题“培育核心价值观研究”等,参与全国妇联“全国家庭教育指导大纲研究”,上海市妇联“男女平等基本国策宣教的理论与实践研究”等重要课题。 Dr. Wang Fang currently works at the Institute of Sociology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from East China Normal University and is an associate researcher. She is a director of the China Association for Family Education and a member of the Expert Guidance Committee. She is also a member of the Shanghai Leadership Science Society. Her research interests include leadership development, family education, and adolescent development. 曲奕 上海莘泽创业创始人兼董事长 曲奕,上海莘泽创业创始人兼董事长、睿眼投资创始合伙人,兼上海诺恺莘康基金创始合伙人,高级职称(科技成果转移转化),上海市2022年度优秀技术带头人(技术转移),上海市科创启明星协会副理事长、上海市孵化行业协会副理事长。 蒋渊 上海至纯洁净系统科技股份有限公司董事长 蒋渊,上海至纯洁净系统科技股份有限公司创始人兼董事长,高级经济师,上海市工商联执委,民盟紫竹支部主委,上海市集成电路行业协会副会长。 Jiang Yuan, founder and chairman of Shanghai Zhichunjing Clean System Technology Co., Ltd., senior economist, executive committee member of Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce, chairman of the Purple Bamboo Branch of the Democratic League, vice chairman of the Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association 上海市科技创业中心(上海市高新技术成果转化服务中心、上海市火炬高技术产业开发中心)是国家科技部批准的国家级高新技术创业服务中心,上海科技企业孵化协会挂靠单位、全国创业中心专业委员会主任委员和亚洲企业孵化协会秘书处单位,创建于1988年4月。 Shanghai Technology Innovation Center is a national-level high-tech entrepreneurship service center approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. It is affiliated with the Shanghai Technology Enterprise Incubation Association, serves as the director unit of the National Entrepreneurship Center Professional Committee, and serves as the secretariat unit of the Asian Enterprise Incubation Association. It was established in April 1988. 中心多年来一直致力于科技型中小企业的孵育服务与管理,功能定位和职能明确了中心既是培育科技型中小企业的孵化器,又是全市科技企业孵化器网络及大学科技园的协调服务机构,同时为全市科技型中小企业提供创新创业服务,为全社会创造科技创业的公共服务环境。 Over the years, the center has been committed to providing incubation services and management for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The positioning clarifies that the center is not only an incubator for nurturing technology-based SMEs but also serves as a coordinating service organization for the city's network of technology enterprise incubators and university science and technology parks. Additionally, it provides innovation and entrepreneurship services for technology-based SMEs across the city, creating a public service environment for technological entrepreneurship throughout society. 中心作为市科委直属机构,还承担上海市高新技术成果转化项目认定、促进高新技术成果转化和产业化的政策服务、技术转移服务、科技金融服务、上海市中小企业技术创新资金项目、小巨人企业项目等有关科技产业化项目和众创空间、孵化器建设专项资金的统筹安排及管理;国家级科技企业孵化器、大学科技园、众创空间的申报与推荐等多项管理职能。 As a direct subsidiary of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the center also undertakes tasks such as the recognition of high-tech achievement transformation projects, policy services to promote the transformation and industrialization of high-tech achievements, technology transfer services, science and technology financial services, Shanghai's small and medium-sized enterprise technology innovation fund projects, projects for small and medium-sized enterprises with high growth potential, and the overall planning and management of special funds for the construction of innovation spaces and incubators. It also manages various functions such as the declaration and recommendation of national-level technology enterprise incubators, university science and technology parks, and innovation spaces.
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She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.