作为英国政府的重要部门,英国国际贸易部致力于推动英国机构在全球发展国际合作关系,其中教育与技能团队着力推动教育领域的国际合作与交流。作为中国国际教育年会的分论坛之一,英国国际贸易部与中国教育国际交流协会携手举办的中英素质教育合作研讨会将于10月22日下午在北京五洲大酒店举行 。
Supported by the Ministry of Education of China, China Annual Conference for International Education (http://www.cacie.cn/f/home) is an influential education annual conference in China and aboard, which has been organised by China Education Association for International Exchange since 2000. Under the theme of ‘New Opportunities and Prospects for Building an Open and High-Quality Education System’, the 22nd China Annual Conference for International Education will be held in Beijing in October 2021, with the UK as the country of honour.
As an important component of the British government, the Department for International Trade has been committed to helping British institutions develop international partnership. The education and skills sector focuses on promoting international cooperation and exchanges in the field of education. As one of the sub-forums of the China Annual Conference for International Education, UK-China All-round Education Collaboration Seminar will be held in Beijing Continental Grand Hotel on the afternoon of 22nd October, jointly organised by the UK Department of International Trade and China Education Association for International Exchange.
Representatives from leading all-round education institutions in both the UK and China are invited to explore the development trend of all-round education in China from an international perspective. The activity aims to boost exchanges between the UK and China business in the field of all-round education, showcase the unique characteristics of the UK all-round education offer, and explore more collaboration opportunities between the two countries.
活动流程 Event Programme
日期 Date:2021年10月22日星期五 Friday 22 October 2021
地点 Venue:北京五洲大酒店一楼北辰厅 Beichen Room, 1F Beijing Continental Grand Hotel
时间 Time | 议程 Agenda |
13:30 – 14:00 | 活动签到 Guest Registration |
14:00 – 14:10 | 英方领导欢迎致辞 — 英国国际贸易部领导代表 Welcome Remarks – Representative from Department for International Trade (DIT) |
14:10 – 14:20 | 中方领导欢迎致辞 — 中国教育国际交流协会代表 Welcome Remarks – Representative from China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) |
14:20 – 14:30 | 英国素质教育概览– 英国国际贸易部教育技能行业代表 Overview over UK All-round Education - Representative from Department for International Trade (DIT) |
14:30 – 14:50 | 主旨分享一:寓教于乐-通过有趣故事,培养自主学习 Keynote Speech: Enjoyable and Efficient Learning Experience through Story-based Edutainment Content 牛津大学出版社首席内容官孙赫男 & 高级解决方案经理杜伟 Oxford University Press Content Consultancy Chief Consultant, Helen Sun & Senior Solution Manager, Joseph Du |
14:50 – 15:10 | 主旨分享二:面向未来的STEM实践 Keynote Speech: A STEM Adventure for the Future 妙启思亚洲区副总裁吕慧 Twig Education Vice President Asia, Tracy Lv |
15:10 – 15:30 | 茶歇 Teabreak |
15:30 – 15:50 | 主旨分享三:让每个孩子都有人生出彩的机会 Keynote Speech: Give Every Kid the Opportunity to Shine in Their Life RSL现代音乐与表演艺术委员会中国区副总裁蓝晓英 RSL Vice President China, Lillian Lan |
15:50 – 16:30 | 圆桌讨论 - 国际视野下的素质教育发展趋势探讨 Panel Discussion - Discussion on the Trend of All-round Education from an International Perspective - 阿思丹中国首席执行官 廖望 ASDAN China CEO, LIAO Wang - 蓝象资本投资副总裁 焦念韬 BE Capital Vice President, Joey Jiao - 北京朝阳区凯文学校执行校长 徐涛 Beijing Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy Executive Principal, Christine Xu - 保利艺术教育投资有限公司艺术总监 徐嘉康 Poly Art Education Investment Company Chief Art Officer, XU Jiakang |
16:30 – 17:30 | 合作对接 Business Match-making - 阿思丹中国 ASDAN China - 曼城足球俱乐部(深圳)有限公司 City Football Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. - 探索教育 Discovery Education - 牛津大学出版社 Oxford University Press - 保利-英国皇家芭蕾舞学校 Poly-RAD School of Dance - RSL现代音乐与表演艺术委员会 RSL Awarding the Contemporary Arts - 培生STEM Pearson STEM - 妙启思 Twig Education - 苏格兰∙正当时 Scotland is Now |
活动报名 Event Registration
Senior representatives from schools and education training centres, who are interested in UK all-round education offers (including STEM, drama, music, arts, sports, camp and etc. ) and having potential collaboration.
We would not charge for attendance of the event, but due to the limited capacity, we would inform the successful applicants via e-mail afterwards. Please bring the confirmation e-mail to attend the event.
Registration of the event will be closed by 15 October 2021.