Use immediately
门票分为会议门票和展区门票,展区门票无法进入会议演讲区域,展区门票价格 99,会议门票 699 起。
活动包含工作坊,所有工作坊均为免费开放,但因席位有限,需持有大会门票(非展区门票)且通过预购工作坊门票(99元)锁定名额,可在当天签到后现场退还 99 元门票费,工作坊报名链接: https://6122600637432.huodongxing.com/event/6794068621300,先到先得。
学生可以用 399 元的价格购买 Student PASS 会议门票!如果您想购买学生票,请按照以下操作进行:
1. 确保拥有一个带有 edu 后缀的邮箱。
2. 在活动行上使用 1 中的邮箱注册并申请学生票,申请过程中会填写相关信息。
3. 使用 1 中的邮箱向 letsvision@xreality.zone 发送邮件,在邮件中请注明您的姓名,学校,专业,微信/手机,并上传您的学生证照片等能证明您学生身份的附件。请确保你的材料和 2 中的信息相符。
4. 在审核通过后,我们会向您发送邮件,并通过您的学生票购买请求。
5. 在完成前面的步骤后,您就可以购买到 Student PASS 票了!
Official website: https://letsvision.swiftgg.team/
Important Notes:
Tickets are divided into conference tickets and exhibition area tickets. Exhibition area tickets do not grant access to the conference presentation area. Exhibition area tickets cost 99 RMB, while conference tickets start from 699 RMB.
The event includes workshops, which are all free to attend. However, due to limited seating, you need to pre-purchase a ticket (99 RMB) to secure a spot. The 99 RMB ticket fee can be refunded on-site after check-in on the day of the event. Workshop registration link: https://6122600637432.huodongxing.com/event/6794068621300, first come, first served.
Students can purchase Student PASS conference tickets for 399 RMB! If you want to purchase student tickets, please follow these steps:
1. Ensure you have an email address with an edu suffix.
2. Register on Huodongxing using the email from step 1 and apply for a student ticket. You will need to fill in relevant information during the application process.
3. Send an email to letsvision@xreality.zone using the email from step 1. In the email, please include your name, school, major, WeChat/phone number, and attach your student ID photo or other documents proving your student status. Please ensure your materials match the information provided in step 2.
4. After verification, we will send you an email and approve your student ticket purchase request.
5. Once you complete the previous steps, you can purchase the Student PASS ticket!