One Summer Night 仲夏拉美夜 Una Noche de Verano
墨西哥中国中心 欢迎你来相遇志趣相投的商务伙伴、行业精英、留学海归、国际友人,享受一个灵魂碰撞的夜晚!
Put on yourself in a summer mood
Beneath a canopy of stars
Feel the rhythms of Latin America
Relish drinks & snacks from the globe
Mingle with cultures through dance
México-China Center cordially invites you to a night of social dances, networking, and simply fun times with the "WOW" people in Hangzhou!
19:30-19:50 签到 — 中心参观+介绍 SIGN-IN — CENTER TOUR + INTRODUCTION
19:50-20:00 举办方致辞 REMARKS BY ORGANIZER
20:00-21:00 Salsa&Bachata 零基础课 BEGINNER-FRIENDLY LESSON
21:00-23:00 舞动 & 社交 DANCE & SOCIALIZE (惊喜:皮纳塔! Surprise: Piñatas!)
Dress Code: LATIN AMERICA (open to interpretation!)
特别鸣谢 Special Thanks
宁波银行, Jumex, Tacobros 塔可波罗
合作伙伴 Partners:
Global Changemaker, Shimmers, Babel 巴别塔, Hangzhou Community, Global Shapers Hangzhou
墨西哥中国中心 | 蒙特雷科技大学中国创新中心是在墨西哥新莱昂州政府的支持下,由蒙特雷科技大学和杭州市上城区政府共同资助设立的跨境人才、科技创新加速、和国际贸易平台,为海内外科研人员和创业者对接技术和商业合作伙伴,同时聚合全球创新创业资源以助力国内各界人士与拉丁美洲和世界各国发展合作关系, 打造“一带一路”国际科技、商贸、文化合作示范基地。 Mexico-China Center | Innovation Hub Tec-China is a cross-border platform for talent exchange, startup acceleration, and international trade jointly supported by the Tecnológico de Monterrey and the government of Hangzhou and Nuevo León. The Center builds technological and commercial partnerships for researchers and entrepreneurs from home and abroad. Combining a global network of resources for innovation and entrepreneurship, the Center serves as bridge for stakeholders from different sectors to collaborate in science and technology, commerce, and culture with Latin America and other parts of the world.