讲座|Lecture 哲学基本概念:身体 Fundamental Concepts in Philosophy: Body 时间|Time 2024年 7月3日18.30-18.00 18:30-20:00, July 3rd, 2024 内容主题 西方主导的现代性中著名的身心二元论可追溯到古典时期,但将身心区分得最清楚、最明确的却是勒内·笛卡尔。尽管哲学家、艺术家、历史学家和理论家提出了许多挑战,但我们在全球现代性中共享的常识范畴仍然具有强烈的二元论色彩。 The famous mind-body dualism of a Western-dominated modernity has a genealogy going back to classical times, but it was René Descartes who rendered the distinction between body and mind most clear and distinct. The common-sense categories we share in global modernity remain strongly dualist despite many challenges from philosophers, artists, historians, and theorists. 现代生物医学的权威应负部分责任。现代科学是如何像医学一样,在维护“心智 ”的中心地位的同时,又将“身体”作为其困扰的、非明确的他者?作为全球当代人,我们可以承认并享受哪些种类的身体或具身形式? The authority of modern biomedicine is partly to blame. How have the modern sciences, like medicine, carved up reality to preserve the centrality of “mind” while leaving “body” as its troubled and non-explicit Other? What varieties of body, or forms of embodiment, can we acknowledge and enjoy as global contemporaries? 演讲嘉宾|Speaker 冯珠娣 Judith FARQUHAR 芝加哥大学马克斯·帕列夫斯基荣誉教授 Max Palevsky Professor Emerita of Anthropology, University of Chicago 冯珠娣是芝加哥大学马克斯·帕列夫斯基荣誉教授。 她的研究主要关于现代中国的传统中医历史和实践,健康文化及其在中国乡村和城市里的具体表现。 她的近期著作包括由耶鲁大学出版社出版,关于中医哲学反思的《生命之道:中医的物、思维与行动》(A Way of Life: Things, thought and action in Chinese medicine)。 她还与赖立里合著了民族志《采药:中国南部山区的民族与知识》(Gathering Medicines: Nation and knowledge in China’s mountain south)。 Judith Farquhar is Max Palevsky Professor Emerita of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. She has studied the history and practice of traditional Chinese medicine in modern China, and cultures of health and embodiment in both rural and urban China. Her most recent books include a philosophical reflection on Chinese medicine from Yale University Press: A Way of Life: Things, thought and action in Chinese medicine. And an ethnography co- authored with Lili Lai, Gathering Medicines: Nation and knowledge in China’s mountain south. 主持嘉宾|Moderator 赖立里 LAI, Lili 2023-2024博古睿学者、北京大学医学人文学院长聘副教授 2023-2024 Berggruen FellowAssociate Professor of Anthropology, Peking University 主要研究方向为身体、医疗实践、日常生活。主要在文化人类学理论视野下同时关注当代前沿的医学科技以及传统医学知识体系(包括中医药和少数民族医药)。研究兴趣为传统知识的现代转型、科学技术与社会、医疗多样性等。专著包括 Hygiene, Sociality, and Culture in Contemporary Rural China(2016), Gathering Medicines: Nation and Knowledge in China’s Mountain South(2021)。 Lai is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the School of Health Humanities at Peking University. She received her MA and PhD in Anthropology from UNC-Chapel Hill. She has done extensive ethnographic and interdisciplinary research on health-related issues in rural and urban communities of Northern and Southwestern China. 活动地点|Location 万圣·优盛阅读空间 北京市海淀区成府路28号五道口购物中心四层 All Sages Bookstore 4th Floor, U-Center, 28 Chengfu Rd. 讲座语言|Language 英语 English
博古睿研究院中国中心聚焦从中国视角、东方智慧观照人类变革和全球治理。人工智能和生命科学的突破性发展引领了第四次科技革命,中国科学家和思想家参与全球对话至关重要;融入当代性的东方智慧如何破解今天全球共同面临的挑战。 2018年12月19日,北京大学博古睿研究中心在北京揭牌成立。 2010年,尼古拉斯·博古睿和内森·加尔斯在加利福尼亚汇集顶尖学界、商界和政界人士,思考和讨论由世界金融危机带来的经济、政治问题,西方民主制度危机带来的挑战,以及中国的崛起将怎样影响21世纪的全球合作和治理。