Special Reminder: Please notice that for entering the summit offline, you will be requested to show a 48-hour covid test report, your green Shanghai Health Code, and National Itinery Code.
Please bring your passport or ID card for translation service.
Sanofi China sincerely invites you to join hands in Shanghai to light up the new era of digital healthcare online and offline!
About Dream and Go
DREAM AND GO创新峰会是一个展示医疗行业,企业数字化创新最新成就和动态的平台,由赛诺菲中国主席贺恩霆博士发起,赛诺菲极创联盟主办。创办两年以来,DREAM AND GO赛诺菲创新峰会请到了来自各行各业的大咖和专家,如软银中国、真格基金、凯辉基金、平安好医生、腾讯医疗、东软集团等数字化创新先锋,探索和共创医疗科技的未来。峰会吸引了线上线下参与者,500+初创企业,400+投资人,80+创新领袖共同碰撞思维——从IoT设备到NLP自然语言处理,从AI人工智能到大数据医学图谱,从新型健康消费到颠覆式商业模式创新,DREAM AND GO聚焦数字医疗领域的前沿话题和趋势,为生态伙伴和广大观众带来了丰富的分享。
DREAM AND GO innovation summit is an inclusive platform of the latest achievements and future trends of digital innovation in the pharma industry, initiated by Dr. Pius S. Hornstein, Sanofi China GM, held by Sanofi Innovation Hub. Catalyzed by the epidemic environment and the wave of reforms, Sanofi China is the leading light that guides the way through innovation. Since its inception two years ago, DREAM AND GO has invited big names and experts from all walks of life, such as SB China Capital, ZhenFund, Cathy Capital, PingAn Good Doctor, Tencent Healthcare, Neusoft, and other innovation pioneers, to explore and create the future of healthcare industry. The summit has attracted 2000+ online and offline participants, 500+ startups, 400+ investors, and 80+ innovation leaders to brainstorm ideas -- from IoT devices to NLP natural language processing, from AI to big data mapping, from new health consumption to disruptive business models.
2021 DREAM AND GO: 点亮数字医疗新纪元
Enlight a New Digital Era
DREAM AND GO不仅是医疗科技和跨界合作的创新平台,更将邀请到极创联盟生态中,赛诺菲内外部的合作伙伴及创新领袖进行业界知识分享、未来趋势预测和话题公开讨论。2021年医疗科技领域的新风向是什么?又有哪些最新的科技将在未来赋能到患者和医生?谜底都将在本次DREAM AND GO的酷炫舞台上揭晓!本届DREAM AND GO将汇聚更多数字医疗领域大咖讲者和前沿初创企业,投资人,大企业领袖,与所有数字医疗创新先驱者共同探索包括DTx(数字疗法),远程医疗在内的多个火热话题。今年,我们更是会通过线上+线下的结合方式汇集更多创业先锋和观众,共同参与到这场医疗科技的饕餮盛宴中!
DREAM AND GO will not only serve as an innovation platform for medical technology and cross-border collaboration, but also invite Sanofi's internal and external partners and innovation leaders to share insights, forecast trends, and discuss topics about the digital healthcare ecosystem. What's next for medical tech in 2021? What are the latest technologies that will empower patients and doctors in the future? All the answers will be revealed on the stage of DREAM AND GO! This year's DREAM AND GO will bring together more entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders of large enterprises in the pharma industry online and offline to jointly explore hot topics including DTx, Internet Hospital, Early Screening and Prevention, and Innovation Technology! Together to create an innovation ecosystem beyond imagination and empower the future of digital medical innovation!
本次峰会四大主题 Key Themes
DTx 数字疗法 Digital Therapeutics
远程诊疗/互联网医院 Internet Hospital
创新科技 Innovation Technology
Sanofi is a global biopharmaceutical company focusing on human health. dedicated to supporting people through their health challenges. Sanofi found its home in China at the very beginning of the country’s reform and opening up, as one of the first multinational pharmaceutical companies. Since then, we went through a journey of 39 years, hand in hand with China, through achievements and challenges. We are proud to improve the health of the Chinese people and grow with China. In the last several decades, with a strong and long-term commitment, we are constantly investing in R&D capabilities and manufacturing facilities in China and set up 1 Digital Innovation Hub to accelerate innovation.
随着AI、大数据等新一代信息技术与医疗健康领域融合的日趋深入,致力于构建创新医疗健康生态的赛诺菲在打造核心技术,加强内部驱动力基础上,进一步强调发掘中国市场中极具潜力的年轻初创公司,联动赛诺菲企业内部与外部数字医疗生态系统。为此,赛诺菲于2018年在中国市场成立了首个数字化医疗创新平台——“极创联盟”,紧接其后开启了2019首届DREAM AND GO创新峰会。赛诺菲通过极创联盟与创新企业合作开发有潜力的数字医疗项目,利用人工智能、可穿戴设备、大数据、云技术等手段,并将成果落地到赛诺菲业务场景中,进一步造福患者。赛诺菲所扶持的多家初创公司逐步成长为数字医疗领域备受关注的新星。极创联盟欢迎所有初创科技公司,无论是医疗科技产业的新起之秀,还是数字化跨界的应用达人,只要你愿意与赛诺菲共创,造就医疗数字化的无限未来!
Committed to building an innovative health ecosystem, Sanofi thinks highly of exploring startups with great potential in the Chinese market and the linkage between the internal and external ecosystem. To this end, Sanofi set up its first digital innovation center in China in 2018, followed by the first DREAM AND GO Innovation Summit in 2019. Sanofi Innovation Hub aims at accelerating strategic initiatives and incubating new business models in a sandbox environment. The Hub bridges Sanofi with the external ecosystem to promote open innovation. Through deep collaboration, it develops innovative healthcare solutions and business models.
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【Sanofi Innovation Hub】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。
The Sanofi Innovation Hub aims to be a digital enabler that promotes Open Innovation between leading technology companies and Sanofi China.