
新展预告|置身“视”外 —— 梁廷玮、梁星昊双个展 Stand and Stare

Sun, 06 Jun 2021 15:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 20 Jun 2021 17:00:00 GMT+08


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    Stand and Stare

    开幕 Opening | 2021/6/6, 3pm

    展期 Date | 2021/6/6 - 2021/7/4

    展址 ADD | 宏藝空間1号馆



    No.1003 Shennan Avenue, Futian, Shenzhen

    “一群被迫生活在洞穴里的人,由于无法走出洞穴,只能通过外界的事物留在洞穴中的一面墙壁上的影子来了解外部世界。”  ——柏拉图《理想国》


    梁廷玮 Liang Tingwei, 那个男人有一根金箍棒 He has a Jingu Bang, 2021
    布面油画 Oil Painting on canvas, 60 x 70 cm
    梁廷玮 Liang Tingwei, 惹人怜爱的孩子没有翅膀, The Adorable Kid Has No Wings, 2021

    布面油画 Oil Painting on canvas, 60 x 70 cm



    梁星昊 Liang Xinghao, 夜行 Out at Night, 2020

    布面油画 Oil Painting on canvas, 200 x 120 cm


    梁星昊 Liang Xinghao, 退化-03 Degeneration - 03, 2021

    木、丙烯、泡棉 Wood, Acrylic, Foam, 40 x 20 x 35 cm


    “A group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. Unable to go out of the cave, the people only watch shadows projected on the wall from objects to learn the outside world.” - The Republic by Plato

    梁廷玮 Liang Tingwei, 别害怕,我们哄你睡觉觉  Don't be Afraid, We Will Tuck You in, 2021

    布面油画  Oil Painting on canvas, 140 x 80 cm

    Like tides, history seems to be moving back and forth, surging, fading, and beginning again. In this particular year 2020, we touched the trajectory of the epic: when an individual is isolated and takes a peek from outside the world, it is easy to link to a scenario Boccaccio created 700 years ago: young men and women feast in a villa to hide away from the black death. The changes of times are like ouroboros of history, biting the tail of reincarnation, leading us back to the Middle Ages. The tides hustle the crowd, demanding that we accelerate to the next era-but the views are so dazzling that our vision is blurred, so does the boundary of “now and past”. And the only words that seem to make sense are "yesterday" and "tomorrow".
    Artists Liang Xinghao and Liang Tingwei depict the present from perspectives of "stand inside" and "stare outside", respectively. Immersed in the moment, Liang Xinghao collects the rumours and various kind of Netnews from the real world and rearrange them in every world view he created. Meanwhile, he questions the "truth" during the quarantine where all information came from the second-hand network, which embodies the contemporary reflection on the monopoly system of knowledge power described by Bentham and Foucault.

    梁廷玮 Liang Tingwei, 举高高 Lift It up, 2021

    布面油画 Oil Painting on canvas, 80 x 140 cm

    Liang Tingwei's series of works from a cross-racial angle provides a reversive view of evolutionism, in which subordinate species reviews their alien superior groups. In Liang Tingwei's view, what monkeys are to humans is just like what modern humans are to future humans. On the one hand, "stare outside" is the eye contact between the works and the audience; on the other hand, it is an objective outlook on the future world standing in the past.
    Therefore, the artist Liang Tingwei's paintings expand new perspectives and dimensions by employing the visual collision between advanced civilization and primitive race. At the same time, through the clever re-creation of medieval paintings, he metaphorized the present as well as implied the optimistic expectation for the "New Renaissance".
    梁星昊 Liang Xinghao, 照相 Take Photos, 2020

    布面油画  Oil Painting on canvas, 80 x 60 cm

    For Liang Tingwei, art is the antenna of the soul. That means that those works will be an opportunity to bring the viewer into the artist's mind in an open manner so that the exhibition will surpass the works themselves. Unlike traditional exhibitions, Great Art Space and the two artists strive for a comprehensive display throughout the two-dimensional, three-dimensional and even four-dimensional expression, where two artists will come to the scene to complete their creation on site.

    梁星昊 Liang Xinghao, 垂钓 Angling,  2020

    布面油画  Oil Painting on canvas, 80 x 120 cm

    Whether we are in a cave, catching at shadows, or stand outside, being free and unfettered, we will overlook the universe at an extreme height when the dimensions of viewing are expanded. Without exception, we will eventually be swallowed up by the vast space and time. But when we return to the ego, we will find that "introspection" and "reflection" are the truth of “stand inside" and "stare outside" as an individual. It seems that the future is always full of uncertainties, no matter during the Middle Ages when religion reigned supreme or at the contemporary era when information reigned supreme, which shows the difficulty of predicting the future. But here we are, and perhaps all we have is the right to see and learn with a hundred percent of freedom.

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