What's Inside Vue Router 4 | 深入探讨 Vue Router 4
升级 vue router 以后,如何使用动态路由,减小打包体积,优化项目?我们邀请了 Vue Router 的作者 Eduardo 分享 Vue Router 4的一些新功能和内部实现原理。
How was the router restructured when building the new version to accommodate for all the new features like dynamic routing and a lighter bundle size?We invited Eduardo to share about what's inside Vue Router 4 and how to use it .
01.活动流程 | Itinerary
15:30-15:40 :到达 | Arrivals
15:40-15:50 :Vue北京社区介绍 | Vue Beijing community introduction
16:00-16:30 :深入探讨 Vue Router 4 | What's Inside Vue Router 4 By Eduardo
16:30-17:00 :问答环节 | Q & A
03. 分享者 | Speakers
Eduardo San Martin
Core team member of Vue.js, Main contributor of Vue Router and Pinia.
Vue 核心团队成员,Vue Router 和 Pinia 作者。https://esm.dev/
Eduardo is a Frontend Nerd who works on the Vue.js Core Team, with a particular focus on its official Router. He's very invested in Open Source, and loves developing maintainable and tested front end architectures.
04. 地址 | Location
地址|Address:线上直播 | Online
时间|Time:03:30PM - 05:00PM
05. 媒体伙伴 | Media Partner
06. 微信社群 | WeChat Community Group
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Email: contact@vuebeijing.io
Phone: Jonathan - 15510170074 | Anne: 13366649007
Vue Beijing是一个诞生于北京的、由一群 Vue.js 开发者自发成立的组织。其旨在将热情的Vue.js开发人员联系起来共同学习和成长。在北京这座城市中,围绕Vue.js开发进行的线下社区活动比较少见。正是这一点激发了 Vue Beijing 创始人们(组织者们)彼此联系在一起,并慢慢建立起所有这些他们以前一直认为这里所缺少的事物。 自从Vue Beijing于今年年初成立以来,他们就有一个坚定不移的目标:通过倡导Vue.js框架的学习和使用和赋能未来新一代的创造者们将各行各业的人们召集在一起。 Vue Beijing is a grassroots organization born in Beijing to connect passionate developers to learn and grow together. The lack of communities around development in the city has inspired their founders to reach out and slowly build what they always felt was missing. Since their founding earlier this year, their goal has been to bring people from all walks of life together by championing the Vue.js framework and empowering a new generation of future creators.