The ongoing lockdowns, transportation restrictions, and other measures taken to combat a recent surge in Covid cases will likely result in operational and financial difficulties for many employers.
What new policy measures have been announced to deal with the current situation? What re-opening procedures and requirements can employers expect in the coming weeks? And how can employers whose businesses cannot fully recover legally terminate employees?
Join JunHe employment group’s Jane Lu, Chang Yuhao, and Jeffrey Wilson in Shanghai, and Zhao Xiaoyan in Beijing for an update on the latest situation in China. Among the specific issues we will discuss:
l Employer obligations to pay salary
l Rules and practice regarding use of leave
l Calculation of working hours and overtime
l Expiration of employment contracts
l Considerations for employees who are locked down at the worksite
l Working from home
l Reopening procedures and requirements
l Best practices of employers assisting employees
l Government assistance for employers
The webinar will be recorded and made available for later viewing.
日 期:2022年5月26日(周五)
时 间:16:00-17:00
参与方式:在线直播 (* 操作指南待报名成功后邮件通知)
联 系 人:王曼
直 线:010 - 8553 7864
16:00-17:00 Lockdowns and Reopening—Employer Obligations
Jane Lu
Senior Associate
Jane joined JunHe’s labor and employment practice in 2011. She has advised both domestic and well-known international clients on a variety of contentious and non-contentious PRC labor and employment law issues. Jane has a particular expertise in assisting companies with employee related compliance, data privacy compliance, flexible hiring arrangements, and confidentiality and non-competition issues.
She holds an LL.M from the College of William and Mary School of Law, Virginia, United States and an LL.B., from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics School of Law. In 2018, she also spent three months on secondment at A&L Goodbody in Ireland.
Chang Yuhao
Senior Associate
Yuhao joined JunHe’s employment and labor group in 2014. He advises employers on PRC labor and employment issues including work injury, sick leave, establishment of leave policies, employee benefits, social insurance, and employee termination. He has also extensive experience in representing employers in labor dispute arbitration and litigation.
A Shenzhen-native and Cantonese speaker, Yuhao graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law and Fudan University. He also Tel Aviv University in Israel.
Zhao Xiaoyan
Xiaoyan focuses on Chinese employment law matters and labor dispute resolutions at JunHe. She advises numerous multinational and domestic companies, diplomatic agencies and associations on a wide range of daily employment issues from recruitment to termination, as well as representing employers in legal disputes with employees. She handles the employment aspects of various M&A transactions, business restructuring and closures, including employment due diligence. She also provides comprehensive legal trainings on anti-harassment and anti-discrimination matters.
Xiaoyan graduated from Harvard Law School and Law School of Renmin University of China. She joined JunHe’s Beijing office in August 2017.
Jeffrey Wilson
JunHe LLP, Counsel (moderator)
Jeffrey Wilson is counsel in JunHe’s labor and employment practice group and is based at the firm’s Shanghai office.
He has more than 20 years of experience advising employers in China. He speaks and writes regularly on China labor and employment issues. He received his JD and MA in Chinese studies from the University of Washington.
君合律师事务所于1989年创立于北京,是中国最早的合伙制律师事务所之一。发展至今,君合已在海内外拥有十三个办公室和一支由超过280位合伙人和顾问、670多位受雇律师和法律翻译组成的逾950人的专业团队,是国际公认的、最优秀的中国大型综合律师事务所之一。国际权威媒体钱伯斯在《钱伯斯亚太法律排名2021》(Chambers Asia-Pacific 2021)中这样评价道,“他们(君合)可以迅速着手处理复杂的问题,并且愿意通过付出更多的努力以满足时限紧张的工作。”