创新汇聚:德国创意亮相上海舞台! 9月19日,德国加速与S创携手呈现“德国初创企业之夜”盛会。本次活动属S创大会官方联合主办的周边活动,这场汇聚智慧与创意的盛会将成为一次不可错过的机会,活动将云集30+家投资机构、20+家领先企业、15+家著名孵化器/加速器以及20+家有潜力的初创公司,共同缔造一个充满活力的交流平台,吸引了130+名行业精英的参与。 On September 19, step into a world where innovation meets opportunity. German Accelerator, in collaboration with S-Tron, invites you to an exclusive evening that promises to be a turning point for the future of startups. Featuring a stellar lineup of 30+ investment firms, 20+ top-tier companies, 15+ influential incubators/accelerators, and 20+ up-and-coming startups, this event is set to attract over 130 participants who are all eager to connect and collaborate. 🌟 活动亮点 Event Highlights Startup Demos & Networking 8家初创企业将现场展示其最前沿的创新成果,涵盖各类突破性技术和解决方案,向世界展示德国创意的无限可能。与德国初创生态系统中的创新者面对面交流,拓展合作网络,探索合作机会。 Get ready to be wowed by live demonstrations from 8 pioneering startups, showcasing groundbreaking technologies and solutions that could redefine industries. Connect directly with innovators from the German startup scene, expand your network, and explore potential collaborations. [EntoSus]: 蟋蟀食品!探索中国市场的替代蛋白产品。 [fracto Gerdes]: 定制化的健康教育和发展方案。 [Hybrid Lidar]: 为工业和汽车应用开发新型激光雷达传感器。 [Kudan]: 上市公司提供SLAM软件,适用于多种应用的视觉SLAM和3D激光雷达SLAM。 [Mind Vacations]: 传统茶道与冥想体验方案。 [Preventio]: 基于AI的泄漏检测和监控软件。 [vinr]: 适用于各种规模企业的AI驱动ERP平台。 [Zkin Lab]: 定制化皮肤护理测试套件和产品。 Panel Discussion with Industry Leaders 在30分钟的专题讨论中,深入探讨创新趋势,聆听生态系统关键人物的洞见,共同塑造行业未来的讨论。 Engage in a 30-minute panel discussion with industry leaders who will share insights on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the startup ecosystem. This dynamic exchange of ideas will provide a deeper understanding of the forces shaping the future of innovation. 推动德国初创企业在中国市场的发展 德国加速致力于帮助德国初创企业在中国市场拓展业务。通过提供关键的市场信息、配对导师与合作伙伴,并为中德两国行业之间的合作创造条件,助力企业评估其在中国的市场潜力与商业模式的可行性。 German Accelerator is dedicated to fostering the growth of German startups in the Chinese market. By offering crucial market insights, pairing startups with mentors and business partners, and facilitating cross-border collaborations between German and Chinese industries, we help startups assess their market potential and business model viability in China. 以下为议程和路演企业介绍: Please see as follows the agenda and profiles of pitching startups: 以下为8家企业介绍(可划动图片查看): Below are the introductions for eight German startups. Slide to view pitching startups 扫描二维码报名注册活动 For registration, please scan the code below 为了确保为我们的初创公司和目标受众提供尽可能最佳的体验,如果我们确定参与者的意图与活动的目的不符,我们保留取消门票的权利。 To ensure the best possible experience for our startups and target audience, we reserve the right to cancel tickets if we determine that a participant’s intentions do not align with the purpose of the event.
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【Start2 Group 创新加速】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。