Please scroll down for English version. 欧洲电影日 "Thinking Beyond Borders" Day of European Films “超越国界” 《去看海》 TO SEE THE SEA 《去看海》 导演:Jiří Mádl 彩色,90分钟,2014 语言:捷克语,英文字幕 日期:2021年10月20日,周三,19点 地点:上海市黄浦区福州路318号华设大厦101室 德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处 消费:本次活动免费。需提前在活动行平台上报名 11岁的托马斯想成为一名电影制片人。当他得到了一台摄影机作为生日礼物时,他决定开拍人生中第一部电影,内容是关于他的家庭以及他的好朋友。渐渐地,我们认识了他的父亲、母亲、祖母以及一起拍电影的好朋友哈里斯。两个男孩子四处嬉闹,很享受拍电影的过程,直到他们发现摄影机会揭露一些不愉快的事情,例如,关于托马斯爱慕的一位同学的真相,他还发现父亲竟然对自己撒谎!尽管害怕会发现不好的事情,他还是决定继续探索下去。然后他并不知道,这偶然触碰到的家族秘密远比想象的埋得更深…… 报名方式 鉴于疫情防控需要,感兴趣的观众请提前在活动行平台报名。来访前请出示绿色随申码,佩戴口罩并配合测温。 · EN · “Thinking Beyond Borders” 欧洲电影日 "超越国界" Day of European Films TO SEE THE SEA 《去看海》 TO SEE THE SEA Director: Jiří Mádl Color, 90 Mins., 2014 Language: Czech with English subtitles Date: Wednesday, 20.10.2021, 19:00 Uhr Place: Department of Culture and Education of German Consulate General in Shanghai, 101 Cross Tower, 318 Fu Zhou Lu, Shanghai Admission: free, online registration required via Huodongxin Eleven-year-old Tomáš wants to become a filmmaker, and when he gets a camera for his birthday, he decides to make his first film – about his family and a friend. Gradually, we get to know his father, mother, grandmother, but also his friend Haris, who helps him with filming. Boys fool around and enjoy filming, but only until they find out that the camera can reveal things that are unpleasant - for example, the truth about their classmate, whom Tomáš loves, or that his dad is lying to him! Despite being afraid of discovering something bad, Tomáš decides to get to the bottom of it. Little does he know that he stumbled upon a family secret that has much deeper roots than it first seemed... Entry Due to the current security regulations please register with Huodongxing beforehand for this film evening. A green health code, mask and temperature control are required at the entrance. 图/Photo: © 2014 bio illusion Für weitere Veranstaltungen klicken Sie bitte auf „Read More“ 点击“阅读全文”,查看德领馆文教处更多精彩活动。