POETRY x MUSIC & The Harridans
门票 80/100 RMB
2022.9.11 20:30
东棉花胡同七号 江湖LIVE
The Poetry x Music Band is Liane Halton (classical guitar), Anthony Tao (poetry), Ryan Etzcorn (drums), Shawn Moore (violin), and Stanley Moore (cello). They blend original poetry with original music to create dynamic and unique sounds and narratives. Learn more at poetryxmusic.com or follow them on social media (Instagram, Facebook, WeChat Channel) @poetryxmusic
The band’s set at Jianghu will be accompanied by original artwork from Johanna Søvik, a Norwegian multimedia painter who moved to Beijing earlier this year. Her work is primarily concerned with human behavior, and her current projects aim to capture something general about human relationships and loneliness.
The Harridans
The Harridans have been bumbling around Beijing for the past eight years, flogging their freak disco wares to anyone with a fresh pair of dancing boots. After releasing their debut album ‘Fuzzing the Muse’ to widespread critical shrugs, the band have decided to recruit Bongo Kris and a hirsute Finnish man in the hopes of playing both in-time and in-tune, a feat that has so far eluded them.
Photos by 大宇
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江湖文化起源于江湖酒吧,致力于独立音乐及其周边文化发展。 是国内目前唯一运营最久,爵士、布鲁斯、民谣、世界音乐等小众音乐领域最权威的演艺场地。并在此中树立了权威的品牌旗帜,是国内目前最专注于小众音乐现场的文化推动团队。 江湖酒吧更成为京城活跃度最高的演艺场地。江湖酒吧在兢兢业业耕耘的十三年中,经历了2500余组国内外优秀音乐人,数十万名观众的参与,并承接了上百组世界级大师艺人,更是中西方独立音乐文化交流中必不可少的纽带之一。 十三年来,江湖文化坚守在独立音乐现场的第一线,励志用最至诚的心态、最专业的理念、最端正的态度为更多优秀的独立音乐人创造专业的演艺环境,为优质的独立音乐创造更广阔的平台。 2015年伊始,江湖文化在搭建平台与助推独立音乐产业发展的同时,也将更专注于小众音乐的市场整合,为更细分的优秀音乐人创造机会和可能性,为更多优质音乐的诞生而孜孜不倦的努力。