上海|Ladies Who Tech 2023地球日绿色行动家:女性领导力,共创可持续未来
Shanghai | Ladies Who Tech Earth Day 2023 Women in Green: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future
In conjunction with Earth Day, Ladies Who Tech is proud to host a special event on how to utilize the wisdom and power of women to promote sustainable development and care for our beloved Earth. 在实现可持续发展的过程中,女性领导力发挥着关键性的影响;女性群体既能为可持续发展带来更丰富的观点和解决方案,对于环境问题有更敏锐的洞察力,同时也更为关注社会责任,强调在经济增长的同时兼顾社会和环境目标。女性领导者在可持续发展领域的成功,可以激励更多女性积极参与环保事业,共同推动可持续发展。 In the process of achieving sustainable development, women's leadership plays a crucial role. Women-focused communities not only bring a wealth of perspectives and solutions to sustainable development, but also have a keen insight into environmental issues. While paying more attention to social responsibility, women leaders tend to emphasize more on the simultaneous consideration of social and environmental goals alongside economic growth. Moreover, the success of women leaders in the field of sustainable development can inspire more women to actively participate in environmental protection and jointly promote sustainable development. 我们有幸请到了4位女性环保领袖和专家,深入探讨女性在可持续发展领域的贡献和影响力,此外,现场还将设有社交互动环节,与嘉宾们进行面对面的交流,更深入地了解可持续发展的方方面面。 We have invited four environmental leaders and experts to delve into women's contributions and influence in the field of sustainable development. In addition, there will be a networking session on site, allowing in-person exchanges with our guests and gaining a deeper understanding of various aspects of sustainable development. 2023年4月20日周四18:30-21:00,Ladies Who Tech上海将和你相约在Studio 9,一个促进协作与思想交流的现代且富有创意空间,来一场与“绿色行动家”们的沉浸式畅谈吧! Ladies Who Tech Shanghai invites you to Studio 9 on Thursday, April 20 18:30-21:00 to foster collaboration and idea exchange, for an immersive discussion with our "Women in Green". 活动流程 Event Rundown
18:30-19:00 签到 Check-in 19:00-19:45 嘉宾演讲 Keynote 19:45-20:30 圆桌讨论 Panel discussion 20:30-21:00 社交 Networking 活动细节 Event Details
日期 Date: 2023-04-20 时间 Time: 18:30-21:00 语言Language: 英文 English Only 费用 Entry Fee: 80元 80RMB 地点 Venue: Studio 9,上海静安区余姚路55号 Studio 9, 55 Yuyao Road, Jing'an District 交通 Transportation: 我们鼓励大家绿色出行,乘坐地铁7号线前往昌平路站后步行10分钟即可抵达,届时会有小伙伴在活动现场迎接。 We encourage everyone to travel green. Take Metro Line 7 to Changping Road Station, and we will greet you onsite.
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