福布斯集团成立于 1917 年,是全球著名的媒体及科技集团,也是最成功的家族企 业之一。其旗舰出版物《福布斯》杂志是美国历史最悠久的商业杂志之一,发行 量高达 120 万份,在全球拥有近 620 万高层次的商界读者。福布斯于 2003 年进入中国, 秉承“创业精神、创富工具”的理念,为中国几十万 顶尖读者提供关于财富创造、财富管理、财富伦理、财富生活等更深入、更独到 的分析与报道。
"CHINA-EUROPE NETWORKS OF TECHNOLOGY AND INNVOATION" 简称 (CENTI GROUP),是一家具备投资功能的专注于中欧跨境商业的类投行管理咨询公司,公司主要以英国伦敦为核心辐射欧洲大陆其他主要国家,致力于协助中国企业走出去进行国际化布局, 以创建跨国企业生态圈为己任,帮助和促成欧洲最顶尖科技项目与中国市场和资本的有效对接。
目前,CENTI中欧创新平台旗下设有三大服务板块,内容主要包括: 以欧洲顶尖科技及创新类项目为标地的投资融资咨询服务,以国际化为主题的创新空间的内容运营及管理(如海外创新中心、加速器项目等), 中欧优质内容双向交互的方案设计及落地,中国企业海外商务培训,考察与海外活动执行,海外著名论坛品牌国内落地及执行,中欧市场跨境调研咨询,国际高端人才猎聘以及国内高净值客户海外增值服务提供等。
通过科技的力量,以B2B的业务模式,将优质的海外资产高效连接到国内投资顾问,致力于提升财富管理行业全球资 产配置能力和配置效率,进而推动经济全球化和个人财富 全球化。
JamesSuckling.com reflects my three decades of experience as a journalist and a wine critic. From tasting notes and videos to blogs and events, this website focuses on the great wines of the world including Italy, Bordeaux, Champagne, Australia, New Zealand, California, Chile, and Argentina.
I believe that today’s wine drinker deserves more than just written reviews and criticism. They need to see with their own eyes the place, the people, and the rating process. Truly, there’s so much more to learn about wine than just simple numbers and prose.
We taste thousands of wines each year as well. Those on location are generally not blind, but I bring out the paper bags for the larger, more organized ones. I taste young wines for both the pleasure they give as well as their potential to improve with age. I was told early in my career that an outstanding quality wine must improve with age, and I have always believed this since.
When rating mature wines, I put more emphasis on their current drinking pleasure. My team of editors follow the same wine reviewing criteria. Finally, I rate using the 100-point scale. I’ve used this point system for close to 25 years, and I still believe it’s the simplest way to rate a wine, with its origins from grade school in the United States.
A wine that I rate 90 points or more is outstanding (A). It’s a wine I want to drink a glass of and is an outstanding purchase. If I rate a wine 95 points or more (A+), it is a must buy and a bottle that I want to drink in its entirety! If I rate a wine less than 88 points, it might still be worth buying but proceed with caution. I certainly wouldn’t recommend spending your money on anything rated lower. Wines rated from barrel, or unfinished wines, are rated with two-point ranges such as 90-91 or 92-93.
“都市摩登舞蹈空间”通过舞蹈传播健康快乐的生活方式 ,建立高端社交圈子。将舞蹈与生活相结合,通过学习舞蹈提升个人气质,同时,丰富人脉资源,促进商务往来。本空间师资团队是由亚洲顶级舞者联合举办,挖掘您的艺术潜力,扩展您的艺术视野。