QooApp是專業的二次元遊戲平臺,融合玩家社群、媒體資訊、遊戲商店於一站,旨在彙聚全球熱愛ACG的玩家,為他們創造有趣有愛有價值的產品和服務。 今天我們面向全球200多個國家地區、4,000萬遊戲動漫玩家提供中、英、韓等多語言服務,並持續成長中。團隊總部位於香港,並在臺北、深圳、東京設有分公司。 QooApp is created to gather gamers and anime fans all over the world, and provide them quality, tailored services and products. Our goals are to create a virtual haven for gamers and anime fans to discover and share what they love with kindred spirits without borders. QooApp has never stopped evolving and will continue to escalate into an ACG platform for everyone to enjoy.