SOWERART搜我艺术创新性地通过共享经济和社会化协同模式,致力于打造当代艺术共享服务平台(www.sowerart.com),让艺术成为电力一样的基础需求与服务,推广当代艺术,聚焦青年艺术家成长,鼓励多元艺术生态实验与并存,促进艺术介入与影响大众生活,推动大众关注、参与、收藏当代艺术,见证当代社会。 SOWERART aims to create a contemporary art sharing service platform through sharing economy and social collaboration model. Promote art to be the public’s basic needs and service as electricity, promote contemporary art and artists, encourage multiple art ecosystem, more art integrate into public life, promote a society that the public will concern, join and collect contemporary art. 合作联系方式 品牌/商务/投资/志愿者:胡家亮 leon@sowerart.com(邮箱)/ 997303208(微信)/ 13816999154(电话) 艺术家:吕德生 lds@sowerart.com(邮箱)/ 15800817787(电话/微信)