AWE是全球最大的空间计算社群,致力于推进世界XR的不断发展。AWE Nites作为旗下最重要的系列活动之一,活动横跨5大洲、遍布世界16个城市。通过线上线下多种邀请形式汇聚谷歌、亚马逊、Unity、HTC、ZOOM等全球顶尖企业XR领域相关的业务负责人参与讨论,传输行业发展信息;结交更多跨行业的优秀创造者;激发新思想新方向的行业合作。
今年夏天AWE Nites首次来到中国上海!集结全球资深行业先锋,突破时空的束缚,为XR狂热发烧友带来一场别开生面的未来科技特别体验!
AWE Nites are a place for developers, creators, investors, founders, academics, corporate decision makers and curious folk to come together locally (or online) on an ongoing basis to help advance the augmented reality (AR) ecosystem.
We are delighted to announce that AWE Nite is coming to Shanghai, China for the first time! Calling all XR enthusiasts to meet world experts and industry pioneers, break through the constraints of time and space, and experience the hottest futuristic technology this summer.
01.活动流程 Agenda
The actual schedule of the day is subject to change.
可关注主办方官方微信公众号【AWE XR产业博览会】了解更多详情
If you want to learn more about AWE Nite Shanghai, please visit our offical website here:
02.活动亮点 Highlights
Meet and learn from top domestic XR industry leaders and practitioners in person.
Witness firsthand the clash of ideas between top overseas XR guests and domestic elites, and have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with guest speakers in the global live broadcast.
Whether you are a practitioner seeking business partnerships or a non-practitioner seeking to learn more, gain knowledge and networking opportunities with experts in every aspect of the XR field.
4:备受全球XR行业关注的PLANET ONE AR/VR体验馆首次对外亮相,你将率先体验最顶尖最炫酷的XR设备,并在沉浸式的多屏互动中感受XR科技的独特魅力。
Experience the debut of the most-anticipated AR/VR experience pavilion in China, witnessing the coolest XR devices and deepening your understanding of future technology development through immersive multi-screen interaction.
Enjoy the night view from our beautiful venue in the Bund over cocktails and riveting conversation with industry elites.
03.活动嘉宾 Panelists
可关注主办方官方微信公众号【AWE XR产业博览会】了解更多详情
If you want to learn more about on-site speakers, please visit our offical website here:
04.活动地点 Address
上海虹口区东长治路588号白玉兰广场L1-09 易星球 (Planet O AR/VR沉浸式体验中心)
PLANET ONE,L1-09, Sinar Mas Plaza, 588 Dongchangzhi Rd. Hongkou District, Shanghai
05.关于主办方 About AWE
AWE(Augmented World Expo)涵盖增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)、混合现实(MR)等技术。作为全球最大的空间计算技术社群,自2010年以来,AWE每年都会召集全球杰出的XR公司,与国际企业和投资者们齐聚一堂,打造全球空间计算技术垂直B端领域的行业顶尖盛会。AWE Nites是为全球XR行业中的开发者、创造者、投资者、创始人及企业决策者提供经验交流学习的国际化平台。
本活动内容持续更新,请关注我们的官方微信公众号【AWE XR产业博览会】解锁更多活动信息,了解行业资讯。如有任何问题,可在公众号给我们留言。
AWE (Augmented World Expo) is the world’s most essential AR+VR conference and expo series. We run annual conferences in the USA, Israel, Europe, and Asia. Since 2010, our conferences have attracted a diverse mix of CEOs, CTOs, designers, developers, creative agencies, futurists, analysts, investors, founders and top press in a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn, inspire, partner, and experience first-hand the most exciting industry of our times.
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本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【AWE Asia 世界XR产业博览会】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。
对于想要了解有关增强和虚拟现实的更多信息的技术专业人士,AWE拥有来自代表AR + VR(XR)生态系统的公司和初创公司的顶级专家。 AWE是获得启发和灵感的完美场所,在这里可以了解XR技术和应用程序,尝试最新的XR技术演示,并专注于创造XR市场的国际公司和投资者会面的理想场所。