Christmas is coming again,and the movie Ryuichi Sakamato:CODA has already on the screen
经典电影《末代皇帝》、《战场上的快乐圣诞》、《复仇勇者》的配乐,皆出于日本最具影响力的音乐大师「坂本龙一」之手。 Ryuichi Sakamoto,who made the film scores of some classic movies like The Last Emperor and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, 摄影笔在圣诞节即将到来的日子里 为大家献上坂本龙一主题专场! 当天不仅全程播放坂本龙一歌单 还会有限定特饮与精彩圣诞活动 We have special drink and brilliant Christmas activity 请务必带上可以圣诞节小礼物,我们将在现场进行随机交换! We need you to take your little gift for Christmas which will be exchange at random 当晚将抽奖坂本龙一自传「音乐既自由」一本 There will also be a lottery draw 关于活动/ About Activities 摄影笔一日老板 第二期 今日老板:学电影的小黄/坂本龙一乐迷 Owner info:Huang BFA student/ Ryuichi Sakamoto’s music lover 「圣诞快乐,坂本龙一先生」/Merry Christmas,MR.Ryuichi Sakamoto 活动时间:12.22(周日)20:00/ 活动地点:摄影笔Camera Stylo 地址:东城区东四十一条64号 当晚携带圣诞小礼物进行交换的朋友可参与抽奖 Friends who bring Christmas gifts for exchange that night can participate in the lucky draw 1、节日特饮 / Special holiday drinks 「圣诞快乐,坂本龙一先生」 圣诞快乐劳伦斯先生 末代皇帝 2、关于Music / About Music 当晚将播放坂本龙一专属歌单 不论是「Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence」 或者「Rain」,再比如说带有强烈中国色彩的「The Last Emperor」你想要的我们现场都能听到 Exclusive songs will be played that evening 3、圣诞活动 / Christmas activities 你曾在过去的圣诞节收到过暖心的小礼物吗~ Have you received gifts this past Christmas 当晚会有随机交换圣诞礼物环节 There will be a random exchange of Christmas gifts that night 不论是手帐本还是喜欢的CD或者是电影海报 只要你能想到的都可以拿来进行交换 Anything can be exchanged in this activity 玩的就是心跳! 现场参与的朋友将获得坂本龙一自传的抽奖机会 Participate in the event and get a chance to draw 4、神秘活动 / Mysterious events 圣诞节怎么少不了大家一起围炉畅谈的活动呢 大家一起期待吧~ Please look forward to the mysterious event of the night
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【Camera Stylo】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。