Technology-Driven Education: Empowering Women Serial Entrepreneurs
SHE REWIRES与美国昆藤商学院合作,共同赋能女性,释放她潜力,为更多女性提供专业的职业和数字技能支持。
SHE REWIRES collaborating with Quantic Business School Business and Technology to empower women and unleash their potential by providing professional career and digital skill support.
本期我们将连线美国昆藤商学院全球校友Carrie Purcell女士,来一场特别的线上访谈!Carrie是终身学习践行者,目前是她第五次创业,我们一起了解一下她的创业历程。
We have prepared an online event to connect with Quantic global alumna, Ms. Carrie Purcell, a serial entrepreneur who have started her 5th start up journey, we will have a look at her entrepreneur journey!
活动还邀请到QUANTIC美国昆藤商学院执行主任Angela, Angela将与Carrie一起,围绕女性力量,以Carrie连续创业多次成功的精彩人生为启发展开对话,探讨女性如何在多重挑战,危机四伏的职场中脱颖而出,并打破界限取得卓越成就。
The event also features Angela, Executive Director of Quantic. Angela will have a conversation with Carrie, centering on Carrie's exciting life of multiple successes in consecutive business ventures and the power of women, discussing how women can stand out and break boundaries to achieve excellence in a challenging, crisis-ridden workplace.
此外,SHE REWIRES创始人Jill将介绍双方合作的共同愿景,以及开启未来更多可能的更进一步探讨,目的是助力中国科技女性新形象,充分挖掘女性智慧和力量,更多推动社会进步和发展。
In addition, Jill, Founder and Co-builder of SHE REWIRES, will introduce the common vision of the cooperation between the two sides, as well as further discussions to open up more possibilities in the future, with the aim of boosting the new image of Chinese women in science and technology, fully tapping into women's wisdom and strength, and promoting more social progress and development.
Carrie Purcell
Serial entrepreneur,Top 50 women leaders in Toronto for 2023, EMBA, Quantic
Carrie Purcell专注于未来职场数字化转型的连续创业者。Carrie是终身学习的践行者,现居住于加拿大多伦多。她曾获得教育2.0委员会的卓越领导奖和杰出远见者提名,并被评为2023年度多伦多50位女性领袖之一。
Carrie Purcell,Serial Entrepreneur Focused on the Future of Digital Transformation in the Workplace Carrie is a lifelong learning practitioner, and currently resides in Toronto, Canada. She has been nominated for the Education 2.0 Council's Excellence in Leadership Award and Outstanding Visionary, and has been recognized as one of Toronto's 50 Women Leaders for 2023.
Dr. Angela Xu
Executive Director, Quantic
Dr. Angela Xu has a profound background in organizational change, human resources, and career development. She has previously held positions as the Chief Culture Officer, HR Head, and Executive Vice President at EF Education China. Angela not only possesses a doctoral degree in Organizational Change from Hult International Business School but also brings a wealth of practical experience and theoretical knowledge.
唐文洁 Jill Tang
SHE REWIRES的创始人和社群共建者
Founder and Co-builder, SHE REWIRES
唐文洁是一位社会企业创业者、社群打造者和ESG倡导者。她是科技女性社群SHE REWIRES的创始人和社群共建者,其使命是通过行动为所有人转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。她也是2023妇女地位委员会第六十七届会议的实质性筹备工作联合国妇女问题专家组成员并提供专家意见。
Jill Tang is a social entrepreneur and community builder and an ESG advocate. Jill is the Founder and Community Co-Builder at SHE REWIRES, a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) and reshape the future of STEAM for ALL . Jill was also in the expert group for UN-Women to inform the substantive preparations for the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67).
20:00 开幕
Opening- Angela
SHE REWIRES Intro &Co-build Vision-Jill Tang
20:05 我的创业之旅
My entrepreneurial journey-Carrie Purcell
20:25 Carrie和Angela对谈
A dialogue between Carrie and Angela
20:40 问答环节
20:50 Quantic与SHE REWIRES的教育共创
Quantic ✖️SHE REWIRES Co-building in
Additionally, there will be a Q&A interaction segment, allowing for one-on-one exchanges with the guests to gain a deeper understanding of digital skills and various aspects of women's career development.
欢迎美国昆藤商学院中国学员校友(包括海外校友,以及校友邀请的朋友)以及SHE REWIRES社群成员参与互动。
Chinese alumni of Quantic School of Business and Technology (including overseas alumni, and friends invited by alumni) and members of the SHE REWIRES community are welcome to participate in the interaction.
日期 Date:2023.12.27
时间 Time:20:00-21:00
SHE REWIRES与美国昆藤商学院合作,也将为优秀社群成员提供全英文短期证书课程的部分和全额奖学金。第二阶段申请已经开启,详情可查看同名公众号相关推送。
策划 | Anya
项目管理 | Jean
海报 | Alice
文案 | Lina & Nicole
场控 | Charming
编辑 | Mikaela
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.