CARSMOS国际自动驾驶算法挑战赛是由CARSMOS元遨开源智能出行项目组承办的开源自动驾驶算法大赛,目标是构建专业的自动驾驶开源社区,利用开源基础设施打造自动驾驶产业生态。深信科创作为CARSMOS 智能出行项目组核心成员单位以及本次比赛的主要承办方,特邀自动驾驶领域开发者参与本次大赛线下工作坊活动,欢迎大家踊跃报名。
1、Open EV Design (with 3D Demo)
Tin Hang Liu,Open Motors CEO 个人简介:Tin Hang Liu is a senior expert in the field of autonomous driving from Italy, currently serving as the CEO of a start-up company specializing in autonomous driving. He has long been dedicated to providing an open hardware platform for the development of electric vehicle and electric vehicle battery replacement technologies and has gained rich experience and achievements in this field. 主题简介:Open Source Approach: Emphasize the need for an open source approach in the EV industry to accommodate software-defined vehicles, handle autonomous vehicle data, optimize EV fleets, and promote environmental conservation. Third-Generation EV Platform and EDIT Model: Highlight the development of a cutting-edge third-generation EV platform and the introduction of EDIT, a potential top-selling EV model with exceptional features and innovative design. HyperSwap Battery Swap Technology: Explain the breakthrough nature of HyperSwap, a more affordable and advanced EV battery swap technology compared to existing options. Discuss its potential to revolutionize the industry and drive eco-friendly transportation adoption. Collaboration and Open Standards: Emphasize the importance of collaboration with EV manufacturers to establish open standards for swappable battery packs. Highlight the significance of interoperability and seamless integration within the industry to drive advancements, enhance efficiency, and promote sustainability. Workshop Objectives: Outline the workshop's purpose to delve deeper into the key points of the vision, facilitate knowledge sharing, interactive discussions, and collaborative exploration, enabling participants to actively contribute to the future of sustainable transportation. Attending this concise and informative workshop will equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the vision's key elements. They will be empowered to actively engage in shaping the future of the EV industry, contributing to advancements, efficiency, and sustainability.
个人简介:贾海军来自深信科创的技术专家,目前是深信科创自动驾驶仿真测试平台Oasis的资深开发者,热衷于技术分享,积极在开源社区做出贡献,多次受邀参加行业内相关技术交流和论坛,并发表过多篇技术文章和论文。 主题简介:1、CARSMOS全球开源自动驾驶算法大赛简介;2、算法大赛参赛指南、比赛规则(评分)介绍、大赛注意事项;3、获取比赛资料&参赛环境安装指引;4、基于自动驾驶仿真测试平台OASIS和Dora实现自动驾驶算法调优、测试验证开发指引;5、参赛者线上提交算法和查看排名说明;6、FQA 个人简介:I'm a french software engineer fully commited to the dora-rs project hoping to radically simplify the way we do robotics. Before this, I wrote a library called wonnx that become a cornerstone application for AI using WebGPU. 主题简介:In 2023, AI is booming! Robotic framework however hasn't changed much in years... This is why we create dora-rs! dora-rs is a new robotic framework that brings modernity into robotic application. dora-rs can already show impressive performance up to 17x compared to ROS 2! This is the result of using our own shared memory server and Apache Arrow to achieve zero copy! Those performance improvements make a world of difference for beginners, AI practitioners, and weekend hobbyists who have been limited by the lack of support for Python in this field! And that's only one example of the many innovative features that we can show for dora-rs!