创业与企业港将于5月16日在西浦创业家学院(太仓)AB-2002举办首届本科毕业生创业计划书汇报展示大赛。本次大赛是毕业生们经过四年系统学习后的成果展现,大赛将展示学生们所学的创业技能,并将其创业想法制定为可行的商业计划。 The Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) is hosting the Entrepreneurship Capstone UG students' Pitch contest on May 16th,and you won't want to miss it. This event marks the climax of four years of hardwork and dedication from our talented students, who will be demonstrating their entrepreneurial skills by turning their ideas into viable ventures.
比赛将于上午8:30至下午6:30在西浦创业家学院(太仓)AB-2002举行,并向全体公众开放。此次活动将见证西浦创业家学院(太仓)大四学生们的创新理念、创造力和企业家精神。 本次比赛的评审团由当地企业家与西浦创业家学院(太仓)ENT301TC Capstone Project的授课教师组成。参赛的大四毕业生们将在比赛中展示各自的商业计划书,并以小组形式分别并向评委们阐述其商业理念、市场调研结果、竞品分析和财务分析与预测等专业内容。 今年的比赛将涉及多个领域,包括科技、医疗、教育,制造等。评委们将评选出具有创新性、商业影响力和巨大潜力的创意。 本次比赛不仅能培养学生们的创业精神,还能与相关企业家、投资者和商业领袖建立重要联系。同时,参与观看比赛的各位将有机会与志同道合的创业人才交流互动,感受创新和创业的热情,也期待您在这里找到未来的商业合作伙伴。
The contest will be held at AB-2002 from 8:30am to 6:30pm and is open to the public. It's a unique opportunity to witness the next generation of business leaders showcase their innovative ideas, creativity, and entrepreneurial acumen. With the jury consisting of local entrepreneurs and some of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)'s very own teacher-entrepreneurs, this event promises to be both exciting and informative. The event will feature a wide range of presentations from our talented students, who will be pitching their business ideas to the judges. This year, the contest will feature a diverse range of ventures, including those in technology, healthcare, education, and more. The judges will be looking for ideas that are innovative, impactful, and have the potential to change the world. Attending the contest is a great opportunity to not only support the entrepreneurial spirit of our students but also to network with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and business leaders. You'll have the chance to meet with like-minded individuals who share your passion for innovation and entrepreneurship, and who knows, you might even meet your next business partner.
西浦创业家学院(太仓)创业与企业港致力于培养下一代科技驱动型商业领袖和企业家。通过我们的ENT课程,拓展学生们的商业创业思维,培养学生们的企业家精神,为世界发展带来积极影响。本次大四毕业生的创业项目汇报展示正是西浦创业家学院(太仓)学生和教师共同努力的体现。 The Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub is dedicated to fostering the next generation of technology driven business leaders and entrepreneurs. Through our comprehensive program, our students develop the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to launch successful ventures and make a positive impact in the world. The Entrepreneurship Capstone UG students' Pitch contest is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and faculty.
我们诚挚邀请您参加5月16日上午8:30至下午6:30在西浦创业家学院(太仓)AB-2002举办的首届大四毕业生商业计划书演示大赛(ENT301TC Capstone Project Final Pitch)。 欢迎您到现场来见证学生们不凡的创意和创业精神。也欢迎对创业感兴趣或者有创业计划的各位来到现场与我们交流,希望本次大赛能为您的的创业之旅提供启发。
We invite you to join us on May 16th at AB-2002 from 8:30am to 6:30pm to witness the Entrepreneurship Capstone UG students' Pitch contest. Come support our talented students and witness firsthand their incredible ideas and entrepreneurial spirit. And lucky draws are planned during the day. We hope to see you there!