2023 APRL (第十二届)亚洲医药研发领袖峰会
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The 12th Asia Pharma R&D Leaders
Clinical Value Oriented,to Make the Real New Drug!
基于此,APRL 2023(第十二届)亚洲医药研发领袖峰会“以患者为中心,创新赋能临床”为主题,定于2023年8月24-25日在上海再度召开,本次大会将在前十一届成功举办的基础上再次汇聚90+医药研发领袖、1000+行业同仁共聚上海,深度探索差异化研发策略,致力于提升临床开发效率,推动创新药物研发国际化,以患者为中心,回归创新本源,让创新真正赋能临床!
At present, China's innovative drug research and development is showing a vigorous growth trend, and the gap between China's new drug R&D and the world is gradually narrowing, but with more players entering the market,competition is becoming more intense. Currently, the domestic market is no longer well capitalized, targets are full, and more competition under pressure to enter health insurance. At the same time, the continuous progress of drug development and changing regulatory approval requirements in the international market have put forward higher requirements for domestic pharmaceutical companies' innovative drug development capabilities, clinical trial design capabilities, domestic and international clinical trial promotion capabilities, and communication capabilities with regulatory authorities. In the current situation of intensified competition, returning to the origin of innovation and promoting differentiated innovation oriented to clinical value has become the main theme of China's pharmaceutical industry development. Based on this, The 12th Asia Pharma R&D Leaders 2023, themed "Patient-Centered, Innovation-Enabled Clinical", will be held again in Shanghai on August 24-25, 2023, and will again bring together 90+ pharmaceutical R&D leaders and 1000+ industry colleagues on the basis of the success of the previous 11 conferences, deeply explore differentiated R&D strategies, strive to improve clinical development efficiency, promote the internationalization of innovative drug R&D, patient-centered,and return to the origin of innovation, and to make innovation truly empowering to the clinic! |
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Aili Li 李先生
TEL: (86 21) 6095 7201/13849919680(微信同号)
E-mail: aili.li@shine-consultant.com