
成都首展《过去,未来与当下》| 瑞典艺术家Kristoffer Kullengren @ 莫方

Thu, 17 Nov 2022 15:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 17 Nov 2022 16:30:00 GMT+08
Krs 艺术


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    首展成都| Krs x Mofun 《过去,未来与当下》

    First Solo Exhibition in Chengdu: Past, Future and Now

    自Kristoffer Kullengren (Krs) 于2016年首度来到中国举办个展,成都就是他最期待将艺术带去的地方。继上海,东京,北京,横滨,西安,台北与曼彻斯特,他最终决定与成都莫方Mofun 画廊,让Krs 艺术首度走入成都,这个歌里所唱的“来了就不想走的城市”,这个曾是千古诗人杜甫所居住的城市,这个三国时期蜀国的首都城市,这个全世界熊猫所来自的城市,这个拥有中国最具特色美食的城市,这个拥有3200年建城史,中国开发最早,持续繁荣时间最长之一的城市。

    Since Kristoffer Kullengren's (Krs) first solo exhibition in China in 2016, Chengdu has been the place he has been most looking forward to bringing his art to. After Shanghai, Tokyo, Beijing, Yokohama, Xi'an, Taipei and Manchester, he finally decided to collaborate with Chengdu Mofun to bring Krs art to Chengdu for the very first time, the city where the song sings as ‘the city that you don’t want to leave’, the city where the ancient poet Du Fu lived, the capital city of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period, the city where the world's pandas come from, and the city with the most unique cuisine in China, and the city with 3200 years of history and culture in China.


    What makes Chengdu so special is not only its history, culture and cuisine, but also its people and their way of living. In Chengdu, everyone is an expert of life to seize the moment and live it to the full and enjoy life as it can be.

    正是如此,Krs 认为再没有更好的城市比得上成都,去举办他的个展《过去,未来与当下》。此次展览将在成都桐梓林路莫方艺术空间举办个展。此次展览收录了Krs 从2020-2022年最具代表性的作品,并与莫方空间三层楼体验相结合,从一楼《过去》到二楼《未来》以及3楼的《当下》展示一种从回到过去,到想象未来,以及回到当下的时空体验。

    It is for this reason that Krs believes there is no better city than Chengdu to host his solo art exhibition ‘Past, Future and Now’. The exhibition will be held at Mofun art space on Tongzilin Road. The exhibition includes Krs' most representative works from 2020-2022, and is placed as three time spaces as ‘Past’ on the first floor, ‘Future’ on the second, ‘Now’ on the third, showing a spatial and temporal experience from visiting the past, to imagining the future, and then coming back to the moments of now to know the true wisdom of life.



    Cross-Times, Moments of Now

    一楼“过去”展馆收录了层在上海虎丘贰柒展出的《第一缕晨晖》的女性意识系列作品。这个展馆展示了惠兴获得来自不同时空的女性的支持,包括弗吉尼亚 伍尔夫以及玛丽 居里,最后完成中国首个女子学校建立的故事。观者通过体验这层楼的跨时空的,关于过去历史的故事,感受女性意识的觉醒以及女性教育的普世意义。

    The ‘Past’ on the first floor includes the featured art exhibition ‘The First Light of Dawn’ artworks, a series of awakened feminism consciousness exhibited at Shanghai Huqiu 27. This themed exhibition elaborates through an original story of Huixing's, the first person fighting for female education in China, gets support from remarkable women across different times, including Virginia Woolf, Marie Curie, and Astrid Lindgren, which led to the eventual successful establishment of the first girls' school in China. Through these artworks, visitors would experience a time-crossing journey for culture-connecting art story that dawns upon an issue of equality of female education and a universal understanding of essential value of women making this world a better place.  

    二楼“未来”展馆收录了艺术家非常受欢迎的《突变》艺术展的关于科技未来与科技幻想的核心作品,以及艺术家的《未来历险记》NFT数字艺术作品,并且联动他与May共同打造的“Neo Tokyo 新东京 时空穿梭站”元宇宙空间。在二楼,观者既可以看到一个天马行空的科幻未来,也可以看到一个已经来到当下的未来,同时,观者可以通过元宇宙空间与艺术家交流。

    The ‘Future’ exhibition on the second floor contains the core works of the artist's most popular art and metaverse exhibition ‘Transeo’ that weaves a fantasized technological future with a fictional metaverse space called Neo Tokyo which is tied with an NFT series called ‘Future Adventures’. On the second floor, audience can re-imagine an unimaginable future through Krs’ artworks and experience the future that has already arrived, the metaverse with gamified NFTs.


    On the third floor, ‘Now’ contains the artist's series that resonates with his art exhibition ‘Reprogram for Joy’ in Tokyo before, a series that focuses on appreciating the moments of now through simple objects in life as vegetables. This series uses the most ordinary vegetables and food as imagery to show a philosophy of returning to the present moment and experiencing the most ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. This reflection resonates with a kindred spirit of Chengdu, which is why the artist believes that Chengdu is the best city in the world to debut the ‘Appreciation of Life’ series.



    The entire exhibition, from the first to the third floor, presents an experience of a time-crossing travel from the past, to the future and then come back to moments of now. The reason for this arrangement is that the artist believes that we often define our imagination of the future by the experience of the past, which makes us live in the limitations of the past, and it is only when we start to imagine what’s not defined by the past and return to the very moments of now that we realize that the past no longer exists and the future has not yet arrived, and that only grasping the present moment is the way to all possibilities.


    The exhibition will be also connected to a new NFT character, Lola the Panda, digital art to be released at the same time, and will be registered in the future in the meta-universe of Future Adventures.


    开幕活动 Opening Event

    Time: November 17 (Thursday), 3-5PM
    Mofun, No. 1 and No. 2, Tongzilin East Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu

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    微信:903997475 Diwei

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