Ladies Who Tech Sheshares: 后疫情时代,产品经理是新机遇吗?
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Post-COVID, is Product Management a New Opportunity?
人人都是产品经理。在移动互联网行业的爆发期,这句风靡互联网圈的发言,让产品经理成为互联网行业炙手可热的热门岗位,甚至被奉为“离CEO最近的职位”。伴随着“让产品改变世界”的理想光环,以及对技术背景要求较少的低门槛和丰厚的薪资,产品经理一度是进入互联网行业的最佳入场券,让不少年轻职场人心向往之。 Everyone could be a product manager – with the rise of the mobile internet industry, this statement made Product Manager a popular job and some even dubbed it “the closest position to the CEO.” With a mission of “let the product change the world,” young professionals are eager to take this role as a way to enter Internet Industry, given its requirement and ideal salary. 但随着互联网的红利期的结束,存量时代的来临,也使得颠覆性产品难以诞生,创新机会大不如前,留给产品经理的发挥空间越来越少。当潮水褪去,产品经理会跌落神坛,成为互联网大厂的虚设岗位,做一颗螺丝钉么?产品经理又能否延续以往的荣光呢? As the internet industry becomes less profitable and we have to rely on existing and idle resources, it has become more challenging to create brand new products, with less chance to innovate and less room for product managers to create. Will product managers become an obsolete role in the future? 产品经理(Product Manager,PM)自诞生之初,就是一个承载着很多想象的岗位。产品经理的概念最早由美国P&G(宝洁)公司提出的。1927年,宝洁公司研发并开始销售佳美牌香皂,尽管在研发等各个环节都投入了大量资源,也投入了大量的广告费用,但产品始终销售业绩不佳。为了打破佳美牌香皂的销售困局,负责销售工作的麦克·爱尔洛埃向公司提出了一种品牌一个经理的建议,品牌经理制度由此诞生,并逐步衍生出产品经理的职能岗位。但在中国,产品经理的概念随着互联网行业的发展而日趋成熟,这也注定了互联网行业的产品经理与传统企业的产品经理岗位存在差异。 The role of the product manager was a concept raised by P&G. In 1927, P&G researched and developed Camay Soap. However, sales did not pick up despite heavy investment in R&D and advertising. Neil H. McElroy, a marketing manager at P&G, suggested that one manager shall be responsible for each individual brand. That was how the role of a product manager came about. In China, product management is becoming a well-known concept with the development of the internet industry, which means there will be a difference between product managers in the internet industry and traditional industry. 在传统企业中,产品经理主要为产品本身负责,工作内容主要包括市场调查并根据用户的需求,推动产品研发,保证产品开发的顺利进行。因此,传统企业的产品经理岗位更为“封闭”,具有较高的技术门槛,要求从业者具备特定背景。但在互联网企业,产品经理跳脱出原本项目经理的职责框架,依据公司的产品战略,对某个产品或产品线担负主要责任。由于互联网产品的业务领域各有不同,互联网企业的产品经理岗位往往更“开放”,不会限制从业者的行业背景,企业也愿意吸纳有各类行业背景的从业者,对跨行业者十分包容。所以,互联网企业的产品经理岗位更看重“软硬结合,具有更多的发展可能,不但是职业发展初期的试金石,也是迷茫期的休息站。 In traditional industry, product managers are responsible for the products themselves. They will conduct market research based on user’s needs, pushing for product development and innovation. Therefore, being a product manager in the traditional industry requires a highly technical background. But as product managers in the internet industry, they will take charge of one product or a series of products based on the company’s product strategy. Product managers in the internet industry tend to have a diverse background with both hard skills and soft skills. This is a great fit for people who are at the start of their careers and a great opportunity for career exploration as well. 盛夏八月,转型择业正当时,校招开启,金九银十就在眼前。如果你: 充满困惑,担心成为“螺丝钉”,想知道如何培养差异化和竞争力; 期待转型,苦缺少资讯,不知道跳槽产品经理该如何准备; 存有顾虑,不清楚产品经理岗发展路径,想知道怎样挑选适合自己的赛道; 渴望提升,想了解更前沿的行业咨询,有雄心编织强大的network; August is a time for considering a career change and recruitment. If you want to: Develop differentiating skill sets and competitiveness Choose a different career path and hope to learn how to be a product manager Have questions about the career development of a product manager, and how to choose a suitable career path Aim for personal growth, have the most updated industry insights, and grow a strong network… 百问不如一share,本期Ladies Who Tech SheShares 系列为大家带来“后疫情时代,产品经理是新机遇吗?”分享,为科技女性、互联网从业者和企业管理者带来最真实,最独到的一线产品人经验大公开。 Join us for a discussion at Ladies Who Tech SheShares: Post- COVID, is product management a new opportunity? to bring the most authentic and unique product manager’s experiences for women in STEM and those in the internet industry. Join us online for the sharing of our guests and explore the new opportunities of Technical Sales! 活动流程 Rundown 14:00-14:10 Introduction LWT&WDF介绍 14:10-14:40 Keynote 主旨嘉宾分享 14:40-15:20圆桌对话 15:20-15:30 Q&A 活动信息 Event Details 购票信息Registration Fee: ¥50
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.