Murder Mystery is now a very popular role-playing puzzle-solving party game. Each participant in the game plays a role, so everyone will read a different script, but there is an ulterior secret hidden in the script of 1-2 of them, which requires other players in the game to cooperate, investigate, talk, reason, and other means to discover.剧本杀现在是一种非常流行的角色扮演解谜类聚会游戏。游戏中的每位参与者扮演一名角色,所以每个人将会阅读不同的剧本,但其中1-2人的剧本中隐藏一件不可告人的秘密,需要游戏中的其他参与者通过合作、调查、交谈、推理等手段去发现。Spring has come, everything is full of energy and vibrant, let us sing together in the best season.春天已经来了,万物复苏,让我们一起在这个美好的季节歌唱吧。Whatever you like, English songs, Cantonese songs, new-issued songs or nostalgic songs, come and join us and you will meet you sound mate and fans.无论你喜欢唱英文歌,港台歌曲,流行金曲,怀旧老歌,你都可以来一展歌喉,找到你的知音。Meet, Talk, Network, & SING!Our PET KTV/Karaoke Sing Party series has been a lots of fun and a great way to meet people and show your talent. We're looking forward to seeing everyone!PET KTV唱歌聚会一直就是一个朋友们非常喜欢的社交聚会活动,不同朋友相聚,一展歌喉,碰撞出无数的火花。我们期待你的到来。I'm Alex, a very atypical IT guy. I love learning language and cultures, taking part in networking events, meeting interesting people. It was fortunate that I met many amazing friends and learned a lot from them. They inspired me and made me realize something more meaningful for my life. So I started to establish an English community, "Post English Time"(PET), since June 2011. I hope more people benefit from it as what I experienced. My goal is to make it a trustworthy and interesting community that can help others. I used to work for IT/Internet companies for years. And now I'm focusing on running and growing PET, and devoting to create a platform which can get more interesting people involved. Hope one day, when you want more possibilities in your life, PET can be your top choice.
KTV包房费50元左右(看人数),晚饭AA,剧本杀128一位(可团购)People in insurance sales, MLM, direct selling and P2P... are banned from attending.禁止保险销售(比如AIA),传销,直销,p2p等人员参加活动Free activities, please register in advance in case there are no seats availableThe event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number报名人数不足期望人数的1/3活动自动取消,请务必报名,谢谢