9月开始,我们将定期推出RE MUSIC音乐现场。邀请各路音乐人带来多场FUNKY JAZZ LIVE SHOW,分享私藏级黑胶唱片。你准备好了吗? 休息一下,开始浮游 Take a break,Let’s Drift Away. 第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人,必须脱离「常识」所带来的安全区。这种勇猛,无异于先锋音乐家Donald Byrd第一次把Funk的律动加入到爵士乐中。 9月3号,首场REMUSIC「夜幕浮游」黑胶音乐现场同样别具一格。届时期待大家来店里喝酒、感受音乐、聊聊自行车。休息一下,开始浮游... 9月3日RE MUSIC音乐现场 The MELTiNG POT 厂牌创始人Rochao空降 「RE而意」 上海北外滩来福士店 他将带来FREESTYLE-即兴表演 和一打私藏限量版 「黑胶爵士唱片」 味觉,听觉,视觉,三重风味 Let’s Drift Away,一起浮游... 夜幕浮游-BBOY Rochaos以BBoy的身份在舞蹈圈活跃超十年之久。在日本生活多年后,只身一人带着唱机和调音台,远赴曼彻斯特求学。曾两次夺得DMC中国区冠军,并前往伦敦竞争总决赛。 他在家中收藏了Diggin 从70年代到90年代Funk, Soul, Latin, Africa以及各种Hip-hop Beats 的7寸45转黑胶唱片。在他的音乐现场,你会感受到多种音乐融合的化学反应,认识一些「常识」之外的音乐世界。 As BBoy, Rochaos has been active in the dance scene for more than ten years. His dance is highly stylized with his unique understanding and expression of dance. His profound understanding of music as a dancer also prompted him to the turntable later. In 2018, he established Shanghai THE MELTiNG POT label and record store. Keep Diggin 7-inch 45-rpm vinyl records from the 70s to the 90s, Funk, Soul, Latin, Africa, and various Hip-hop Beats. After spending his teen years in Japan getting scratch skills from Ken One, HBD set out on a journey to Manchester with his turntables and mixer. Later he came back to Shanghai and joined the LAB team, eventually became a two-time DMC China champion. Meanwhile, HBD was invited to play for many events and brands. He is skilled in selecting high-caliber music. His DJ passion vibrates through chemical reaction on the dance floor. 活动流程 RE MUSIC 黑胶-音乐现场 夜 · 幕 · 浮 · 游 Let’s Drift Away 9月3日 20:00~21:00 FUNKY JAZZ黑胶现场 21:00~22:00 DJ-Rochao即兴表演