Just Dance is a rhythm game series from Ubisoft. The name of Just Dance is derived from Lady Gaga's song of the same name, which is playable in the fifth game. Essentially, Just Dance is a motion-based dancing game for multiple players.《Just Dance》是Ubisoft开放的系列舞蹈节奏游戏。《Just Dance》的名字来源于Lady Gaga的同名歌曲。《Just Dance》就是一款面向多人玩家的基于舞蹈动作模仿的舞蹈游戏。每周四晚上,让我们一起在蘭咖啡的国贸露台上舞力全开~,想要尬舞,下班后摔脂,喜欢跟着音乐尽情摇摆的朋友们,不要错过哦~
为了更好的尬舞体验,这里准备了:XBOX ONE体感(6人同时游戏) + Unlimited version + 65寸电视 + JBL XTREME3/Charge4,同时也提供超级解渴鸡尾酒/冰镇软饮哦~
参加的朋友,每人都可以选择自己喜欢舞曲,我们会从中选择几首进行深入练习,最后会一起集体拍摄超级酷炫的舞蹈视频哦~参加的朋友们,可以提前从这里:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DJ411G7Cq 选择自己喜欢的舞曲发给组织者,我们会提前准备。People in insurance sales, MLM, direct selling and P2P... are banned from attending.禁止保险销售(比如AIA),传销,直销,p2p等人员参加活动Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number报名人数不足期望人数的1/3活动自动取消,请务必报名,谢谢If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.因特殊情况无法参加,请自己在报名成功页面点击延期参加;如果退款,扣除10%报名费。